Recently during a reading with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, I asked how to use St. Germaine’s Violet Flame torch practically on my daily walks. This is what Archangel Michael said:
“There is no one particular correct way. Let us start there and certainly St. Germaine will help you but when you are walking along, see that you are carrying the Torch of Freedom, the purple flame torch in either your left or right hand, it matters not, but so that you can be comfortable and not get tired. No, you don’t need to hold it shoulder high or above your head but in your mind’s eye you are doing this – or actually!
“When you come upon a situation – for example, you come upon a homeless person – take your torch, with your hand, with your eyes, with the action of your arm – you torch – you violet flame – not only that person but all homelessness, all lack, all poverty, all hunger, all lack of shelter. So you use the individual but work in the larger context as well.”
I asked if I could use this technique with anything and everything I see that’s discordant and Archangel Michael said, “Exactly. What the identifier is is this pain or ‘Does this look like love?’ Well, I would suggest that anyone sleeping in a gutter or struggling to walk does not look like love.”
I asked if this is the work we can do before abundance flows and he said:
“That is correct — and after! Because do not think simply because money becomes available, that there isn’t that transition also of getting it to people in ethical, clean, clear ways and also changing the attitude. The person sleeping in the gutter has to know that they are worthy of changing their pattern. They need to know that they are worthy of a clean home, of a clean bed, their own space because they have lost that sense of worth.
“Now, what is going on with the Mother’s energy? It is increasing, and more and more when you are looking at them, they are thinking, ‘How come I don’t have my own place?’ There will be work to be done.”
In the larger context, there’s much work to be done from the state of unworthiness associated with homelessness to conflict and war. These grids are not of love. On one of my travels around the Internet, I found a website that states there are 61 areas of conflict (1) upon Gaia. Below is a map (2) from the site illustrating exactly where there are outbreaks.
St. Germaine’s Torch and Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Peace can be used to help eradicate all discord so as I gaze at this map I will be torching these areas. I welcome you to join me in the within and in the without.