While Linda’s wrapping up her holiday, I’m taking the opportunity to have a little break myself this week. The Post-Solstice energies have been intense and I feel that many things are happening in our own bodies that as of right now, we’re primarily unaware of.
I’ve been asked in meditation if I truly want expanded awareness. I smiled and thought it might be a trick question…why would I not want that? Then it was shown to me what an awesome responsibility it is, and also that full support will be given during the transition into a much larger knowing. It won’t be overwhelming as long as I remain open to the flow of the energies of Love and Light, and to the larger Cosmic truth of Universal Law.
So much is happening! Some of us have, by agreement, been processing energy on behalf of the human collective, so things that we may have “dealt with” and healed already seem to pop up again in a much bigger way. What may be happening is that what we know very well how to process is what we’re being asked now to help move and shift for the whole of Humanity. A good practice might be to shift perception to regarding what you’re feeling as part of the Divine Plan and part of your service, and a vital part of your own growth and expansion.
In response to many readers who are feeling isolated…none of us is ever alone, yet we often make choices to remain in the illusion that we are. We can set it up so that our perceptions are “right”, and we get to be right…and lonely. Most of my heart connections are long-distance, and while I long for a time when loving and supportive Unity Community is the “norm”, it’s not so difficult to feel the Galactics around me or the Company of Heaven. Don’t forget that we can invoke them at any time, even for company. And there’s always the heart-centered folks in the Discussion Group ~ Join here.
We’ll be back next week with a live show! I’ve been feeling our beloved Saint Germaine would like to join us to share an update on the state of Humanity and our world at that time, so stay tuned and keep the Faith!
All of the archives are available to listen to here. Show transcripts can be found here.
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