There’s a second group of lightworkers who have a special mission and that’s what the Company of Heaven have called the “pillars.” Let’s spend a minute looking at their purpose and mission.
Here’s Jesus describing them in August 2013.
“Now, there are some of you, my beloved ones, who are pillars. No, these terms have not been lost or abolished. They are ancient.
“Now the pillars have the back of the line, as it were, until all is complete, making sure all have been gathered. …
“You are the stalwart ones who are willing to wait.” (1)
The way Archangel Michael explained their role to me in Nov. 2011 is that the pillars “act at the end, to help many, many through.” (2)
He elaborated in Oct. 2012:
“The pillars … are holding the space, and you are still the teachers, you are still the showers of the way. When there is a mass exodus, there are always those who stay to make sure that everybody who wishes to go is equipped and ready and gets the opportunity.” (3)
But they also relocate the recalcitrant and stubborn, the Divine Mother said in Oct. 2012.
“Think of it. They are facilitators for those who are the most stubborn. And they will also assist – the pillars, that is – they will assist with those and they will work in conjunction not only with my realm, but other realms as well, other realities, with those who simply refuse that free choice to accompany me or anyone into that higher realm.
“So they will ensure that those who wish to continue in an alternate dimension in the Third, the Fourth, that do not want to be part of this process – because that is really what it is about; it is the refusal to come along – and so they will also insure that that relocation has been completed.” (4)
“LM” had a reading with the Divine Mother in Nov. 2012 and was told that she was a pillar. Here’s how the Mother explained her role to her:
“You are a Pillar. And what does this mean? It means sweet angel that you are steadfast, that you are responsible and accountable and, a misunderstood word — reliable. I can rely on you to make sure that none are left behind. That the corners are swept clean with love. That where somebody needs a hand outstretched, a heart outstretched, that you will be there.
“You are holding up the temple so that all can exit, and so yes, when you exit what you think of as old reality — it collapses and disappears and returns dust to dust. But, not you. I will not leave you behind. Quite the contary. Do not forget that there is also another message [I received this in 2009], that the last shall be first and the meek will inherit the Earth.
“Do not worry, you are a sacred pillar and you are an observer. That is also what a pillar does. It holds up the energy, and it is solid. It does not move. It does not waiver. You have been given many challenges to see if this would stand true and you have held firm and you have been stalwart and you have allowed the enfoldment around you.” (5)
Many of the pillars are of Michael’s legions, the Divine Mother said in Oct. 2012..
“Then there are the pillars, the stalwart warriors. And you will notice that many of these are of Michael’s retinue. They tend to be very strong. And they remain through this process upon the planet. … They are standing there to assist those to complete this process with Gaia. …
“Even as Gaia has ascended there can still be the pillars assisting in the Third to help push and hold and complete.” (6)
When all is complete, they will join the Ascension celebration, she tells us.
“And then, of course, they will join us in the grand celebration in what you think of as the Fifth dimension.” (7)
I wish I knew how people could determine whether they’re pillars or not. The only way I know is to ask your heart and see if the notion resonates with you.
(1) “Transcript: Yeshua Discusses False Grids, Part 1/2” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 6, 2013, at
(2) Personal Reading with Steve Beckow and Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Nov. 16, 2011.
(3) Personal reading of Steve Beckow with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Oct. 1, 2012.
(4) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 2/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at
(5) Personal reading with LM and the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, Nov. 7, 2012.
(6) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 2/2,” ibid.
(7) Loc. cit.