The Divine Mother and One Who Serves: You Are Currently Straddling Two Worlds, channeled by James McConnell, May 27, 2014, at
Divine Mother:
What a wonderful sound, the chanting of the “OHM”. This helps to raise the vibration. There is a little bit of fatigue in this group from the blessings of the day yesterday. I am the Divine Mother coming to share with you today. We all enjoyed the picnic yesterday so very much.
And we enjoyed the opportunity to share with you in very different ways. As you look through your pictures you will find me bathed in blue tones in your photos and know that I was there. And I saved the message for today because there was enough that was shared yesterday.
What is important to share with you today will be a follow-up to dear Ashtar’s message last week. Because as this evolution has sped up more and more there will a feeling that you are straddling two worlds. He spoke about the feelings that many things in the life you have lived up to this present time have become more and more distant in your memories. And there is purpose to this.
I would say that there is a way to describe this in a way that the women in the group will understand better than the men. When a woman goes through the fullness of a pregnancy and then the labor begins. And as the labor pains increase, how many times (and I have had times of bearing children in the physical body), in the midst of that labor, one thinks, “Never again.”
But what happens at the other end when there is a natural rush of hormones and new memories that are created? Does not one feel amnesia set in when you hold your baby and you see your baby’s face and you connect with your baby for the very first time? So that is what these days are like, in many ways, you are birthing a new human. And it is all of you who are part of the process of giving birth.
It is raising consciousness, yes. It is lifting up of all the humans on this planet and it has been, we know, great sorrows, great challenges, great pains, great realizations and there shall be a sense of amnesia that sets in when you reach the other side and look back over the river you have crossed. Sometimes you have crossed in canoes that you had to paddle with your hands to reach the other side. And it will be beautiful and you will soon forget all that you had to endure to get there.
Part of that experience is knowing that this amnesia that is setting in and it seems more like remembering your life as a past life in many ways. As past incidences no longer hold their toll on you that you know longer connect with things that might have been hurtful or challenging in your younger years. That as you let go and release which is part of the importance of this time, to release and let go of old patterns, old relationships, old jobs, old achievements, old successes even. None of these have meaning in the life you are living now and the life you are moving into.
And one of the things that is challenging is that it can bring fear up because you are in a place of insecurity, you are in a place of uncertainty. If not this, then what? This is another reason that we have talked so much with you during these messages and in messages we have delivered through others, about visualization. About creation of the new world, about creation of what you want to accomplish, about what you want to have in your life.
The creation of the project that this group has been given for the worldwide global consciousness event set for September 11th this year is part of the vision for the new world. There is intention in this for it is part of this group’s consciousness in creating a new world of unity, love and forgiveness. And so this project is important for the seeds you are planting, in the audiences you are reaching out to around the world.
And so what can I tell you for a picture of what you are doing at this time? What comes to my mind is for you to think of someone who is walking on stilts. And, you might have that picture in your mind at this moment. Imagine, even you have never done this, imagine that you are ten feet off the ground on these stilts and you are walking and you seem pretty balanced and pretty confident. Then there is a large body of water, say five or six feet across, and you don’t want to get the stilts wet because there is some part of you that believes that if you get the stilts wet they might slip which is not true but that is your belief.
So you take one and you walk it across the water and then the leg that is left behind you does not have the other stilt beside it to balance. And you become wobbly and uncertain about whether you can move that next stilt over to where you are balanced again. So you are struggling to remain in balance between these two points. Finally you have that strength and you move that stilt to you. And you struggle a little to get the balance point again and then you stand upright again and can continue on the path.
So you are in this very awkward position right now of moving from one aspect of your life as your internal bodies’ changes are taking place and those are mirrored in the outside world as you continue to move forward as other changes are taking place within the world. Again, this is a time of uncertainty and confusion. Sometimes it brings up fear. Sometimes it brings up grief. Sometimes it brings up other emotions. We will tell you it is time to be in the moment. Allow whatever emotions arise to rise. To acknowledge them, work with them and see what they are. And know that you are birthing a new baby.
You are birthing a new you! And that everything, and we know it is taking faith in the moment, but everything will unfold exactly as it should and on the other side you will be washed with such joy and emotion and bliss that none of this will have mattered. And it won’t matter how long the labor took. It won’t matter how many pains you had to go through. It won’t matter that what you thought would happen in days, months or even years took as long as it did because it just took what it needed to.
And so, we give you this opportunity to experience this grand change on a very personal level as well as in this group and the group level of all of humanity. There are so many of us here who are acting as your “Midwives” and we are going to continue with this analogy and continue to birth this new humanity. And to work with you and beside you but we cannot take your labor pains away. But we are here to mop the sweat from your brow, we are here to take you under your arms and support you, we are here to give you our heart, standing with, beside you, behind you and around you with love.
That is our purpose in this and be able to share in messages such as this to let you know that you are on the right track and that life in fact exactly where it is supposed to be. We appreciate that this particular group has moved beyond the questions of monies and currencies and whens? And has been much more focused inwardly. That is a tremendous amount of growth that we wish to acknowledge in you. And know that one foot going at a time in front of another, you are on the right path.
And even if you are concerned about whether or not you should be planning for a year ahead, five years ahead or ten years ahead, whatever you are planning, if you are doing it with love and with Divine Guidance, it will unfold exactly as it is meant to unfold and perhaps all you have at the moment is the vision from the perspective that you can hold in the moment.
Much as the planning for the lighting of the candle, you can plan for what you can plan and as those events in your world begin to unfold and you can have that flexibility and adaptability to move the way that you need to move and that is symbolic for each of you in your lives. It is symbolic for you in terms of your jobs, it is symbolic for you in terms of your relationships, it is symbolic in terms of where you are with your children be they adults or little ones.
You cannot put your lives on hold, Dear Ones. It is not a time to put lives on hold. It is a time to plan and build a consciousness. It is time to visualize and affirm. To write out what you see and what you feel for yourself. And as things continue to unfold you have the ability to be flexible and adaptable to maneuver on the path as you need to.
So go forward in faith and know that you are being led by your Higher Self. And that as more and more of that communication takes place with you and that part of your being that has a much larger picture of what is in store for you, listen to the messages in your heart and those messages will never lead you astray. And so this is a time, as always, that love in action, in your life, in your words and in your thoughts and as we are with you we are happy to be love in action with you as well.
[Following Q&A can be found here:]
Shanti! Peace be with you. Be the One!
Channeled by Susan Sammarco & James McConnell
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