Anthony: Blossom received some feedback from photographers regarding the lightship images supplied by one of her Croatian translators that featured as part of the Federation of Light’s most recent message of May 16, 2014, which you can re-read here.
Blossom writes: This is of great importance … TO ME!
I received two emails from photographers saying that the photographs that were spoken of in the last channelling were caused by ‘lens flare’. Not being a photographer myself … I became very confused and upset as to whether or not I was channelling TRUTH!
After much pondering on what to do …. I decided to ask White Cloud.
I asked him to come through, which he did, and I recorded what he had to say. I am now at Peace with it ..
Here it is. (Anthony: this is a direct link to the 15-minute audio of Blossom channeling White Cloud).