When we rely on insider information, so much of what we accept is either out-and-out mistaken or contrived.
We saw this with President Obama’s birth certificate. We heard the Divine Mother in August 2013 on An Hour with an Angel explain the truth of it:
Steve Beckow: Was Barack Obama’s birth certificate doctored?
Divine Mother: Yes.
SB: So the accusations against Barack Obama that his birth certificate is false … really apply to the people who actually doctored the certificate to give rise to these suspicions. Is that true?
DM: That is correct. …
SB: Was Barack Obama born in Hawaii?
DM: Yes, that is correct. The difficulty that so many have [is that] there has been a great deal of lower level vibration and interference and sabotage with this information. And that is part of what has led to confusion. Do not buy into that, dear heart.
So, yes, I confirm this. (1)
That affirmation is something that only someone like the Divine Mother or the Company of Heaven could reveal to us.
Now we have the rumor that Pope Francis has participated in satanic rituals, the murder of babies, and other crimes that I find impossible to believe of him. (2)
But what’s disheartening is to receive the mailouts of lightworkers who take up such allegations, which are at best improbable and implausible on the face of things.
Why would St. Francis of Assisi overlight a pontiff who would do such a thing? Why would the Company of Heaven praise the man, his courage and his integrity if he murdered babies?
We’ve heard Sanat Kumara say that the rumors of his participation in the Argentine junta’s crimes are false:
“Has this one been positioned in a country and in a nation, and, yes, even in an order where there have been numerous human rights offenses? Yes. …
“But I am telling you that this individual has not been responsible for human atrocities. Has he been affiliated, and in a position where he has been holding the light and shifting the energies? Yes. Has he been in a position where he has been humiliated, where he has humbled himself to serve? Yes.” (3)
If he was not responsible for human atrocities, this must include the murder of babies.
When the rumor came out in the Catholic Herald (4) that Pope Francis had excommunicated an Australian priest, Archangel Michael dispelled them. And in so doing he said that we’d see more of this.
Archangel Michael: First of all, there has not been an excommunication. And it is a matter of timing. And it is a matter of bringing the women into the priesthood. So this is not a truthful report. It is that simple.
SB: Has somebody tried to undermine Pope Francis?
AAM: Oh, yes. There will be many who will try to undermine. … But that will not be permitted. The truth will win out. (5)
And we are seeing more of it. We were forewarned.
When I asked him on An Hour with an Angel in October 2013 how Pope Francis was doing, he replied:
“He is doing phenomenally well, superbly. He has begun a very radical shift within what you think of not only as Catholicism but what we would refer to as spiritual enlightenment. He has started out, from our perspective, small, but it will continue to speed up. Watch Francis closely. He is setting the new grid.” (6)
Very few servants of the light, I think, would agree to come into the pontificate at a time when it’s been so besmirched. I’m tempted to think that anyone in their right mind would sit on the sidelines for this one. But Pope Francis hasn’t done that and he needs our support.
Documents are produced to support these allegations. But, from long years as a refugee adjudicator testing and weighing documents for forgery, (7) I know how many of them are fabricated. Those who would do so have advanced technologies at their disposal, as the faked Obama birth certificate demonstrates. They have the funds, the intent and the muscle to hide their work and have the press take up the hue and cry.
I remember the day when I realized that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. I was beside myself with indignation. I know that we can be indignant and have much to be indignant about.
But that very indignation can be harnessed by those who haven’t the world’s welfare at heart and know how to hijack a movement of reform. They’ve done it in country after country and, by the time we see what happened, the movement has stalled or disintegrated. Even though their handiwork has been exposed, they still succeeded in their goal.
Will we help the same forces destroy Pope Francis?
Even in the absence of proof that the documents are unreliable, I personally refuse to believe that a man who’s done so much for his church and the world, in such a short time, is capable of committing the crimes he now stands accused of.
And I accept the word of our unconventional sources that he’s not capable of actions like these.
It’s time to follow what the heart says. It’s time to take the stand that devious ways and means won’t be allowed to destroy those who’ve taken on such essential missions of reform.
It’s time to refuse to allow ourselves to be used in schemes like this to the negation of our own emergence as a free and functioning world society.
(1) “President Obama: Stepping into the Fulness of His Role – Part ½,” Aug. 4, 2013, at
(2) “Smoking Gun’ Memo Proves Pope Francis Collaborated with Military Junta,” Global Research News, March 18, 2014, at https://www.globalresearch.ca/smoking-gun-memo-proves-pope-francis-collaborated-with-military-junta/5327354.
(3) “It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/it-is-a-new-day-sanat-kumara-on-pope-francis-the-process-of-ascension-the-earths-place-in-ascension-etc/.
(4) “Pope Francis excommunicates Australian priest,” Catholic Herald, Sept. 27, 2013, at https://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2013/09/27/pope-francis-excommunicates-australian-priest/.
(5) “Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/02/archangel-michael-welcome-to-this-time-of-re-awakening-part-2/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: Prepare for the Celebration – Part 2/2,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/21/archangel-michael-prepare-for-the-celebration-part-22/.
(7) As a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.