For me at least, the flushing effect of the Tsunami of Love has revealed the truth of what the Company of Heaven – our ascended masters, galactic masters, and celestials – have been telling us for years.
It has made clear to me, and probably to many of you, the primary source of all our unwanted feelings and conditions: the imaginary sense of separation from God and from each other.
Saul calls separation “a dream, an imaginary state of fear in which you have become embroiled, by your own choice, and from which you are in the process of disentangling yourselves.” (1) He adds:
“To be separated from Source is to suffer, because your natural state is to be one with It, and even though the separation is unreal – if it were real you would instantly cease to exist – the pain it causes you is intense.” (2)
The Ascended Masters through Wes Annac tell us, tell us that “separation breeds so much difficulty and so many negative feelings in the minds and hearts of many. …We note the loneliness and isolation many of you tend to feel as you go about your Earthly experience.” (3)
This imaginary sense of separation and duality causes us to make others our enemies, the Arcturians tell us.
“Your brothers and sisters who still live in separation have not yet understood [the impact of separation], because due to the evolutionary state of their heart and the functionality of their brain they are not yet able to feel and know their own true Divine condition. They’d rather live in a state of being locked up in themselves, perceiving everything that is not their own body-mind as other and entirely different from themselves.
“They have not yet access to their deeper Self and State of Unity, prior to their body – mind. So they are functioning on a level of consciousness that is limited by the sole identification with it.
“And this is the very basis for suffering, destruction, war and misery because the separate self lives in the ill illusion that it needs to make ‘others’ their enemies, in order to survive.” (4)
So insidious is it that not even entering into love relationships will necessarily release us from our suffering, Saul tells us.
“You long to belong, to be One with, and you seek out lovers and friends but to no avail because the only true satisfaction is to be One with your Source. When you open yourselves to that Love once more, fully open yourselves to It, all suffering ceases, and that is your awakening.” (5)
Even those who try to escape from the illusion find it difficult and fall into unhelpful paradigms like “self-reliance,” Saul tells us.
“Even those of you who make the conscious choice to be aware that you are spiritual beings beloved of God still have to carry on a life in the illusion until the moment of your inevitable awakening.
“And that life constantly seeks to distract you from any felt sense of your true, divine identity by drawing you down into the darkness of separation where it seems that to stay safely alive is an unending struggle in an inhospitable environment where you can trust almost no one.
“It is very uncomfortable for you, so forget about being self-reliant and ask us in the spiritual realms to help you in every moment to overcome your fears, doubts, and anxieties, and we will most gladly come instantly to your assistance.” (6)
The Arcturian Group ask us to become conscious of this false grid.
“When becoming aware of current war and conflicts, say to yourself; ‘Yes I see this chaos, but I know the truth is that there is no law to support this, that it is the manifestation of the belief in duality and separation.’” (7)
Only seeing the unity of humanity will end the negative conditions that we suffer from, the Arcturian Group tells us.
“Until mankind can understand that there is only One (one mind, one life, one intelligence, one reality) manifesting Itself in infinite form and variety, there will always be that sense of separation holding man in bondage to the false sense of duality and separation.
“You see, all are in and of the One for it is all there is. With this awareness there would be no wars, no thievery, no murders, no anger or lower resonating emotions all of which arise from a belief in separation.” (8)
Tomorrow we’ll look at the various levels of mergence that are occurring.
(1) Saul, May 22, 2013, at
(2) Saul, January 1, 2014.
(3) “The Ascended Masters and the Pleiadians: Allow the Illusion of Separation to Dissolve,” channeled by Wes Annac, October 16, 2013 at
(4) “The Arcturians: Unity Consciousness and Forgiveness,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, December 4, 2013 at
(5) Saul, January 1, 2014.
(6) Saul, August 25, 2013.
(7) The Arcturian Group, August 17, 2013, at
(8) The Arcturian Group, May 6, 2013.