I’ll be posting an article following this one, “Pamela Wells: The Healing Path of the Wounded Healer”, taking a look at this dynamic in order to give support to myself and others who find this archetypal storyline of Wounded Healer in their own lives.
The story of the wounded healer is my story. Perhaps it is yours as well.
Take heart, have faith and courage! If you do, the Divine and Benevolent Universe will have the available portals to send you the support you need.
Always remember receiving is vital part of communing with the ever-present help available from our higher selves and our angelic support teams, and be good to yourselves.
The need to embrace our own ‘dark sides’ or shadow selves/wounded selves is crucial to where we are going with this finding of our own mastery again. This quest for mastery includes the reintegration of our own fragments.
Coming from a more expanded perspective, the very fact that one would come into incarnation with the agreements to go through these sorts of intense passages through the deep and dark segments of our collective unconsciousness is telling. What it tells, from my view, is that we are mighty enough to manage it.
We came here on with the Sacred Flame in our hearts on a Sacred Mission. I believe this mission starts inside ourselves, where we have dominion. Only then, is it integrated enough to be shared, modeled, and consciously utilized in helping others. Let’s not put the cart before the horse.
Wounded healers, this is your mission, should you choose to accept it, and here are the tools in your tool chest:
Love, Compassion, Acceptance, and the abilities to perceive beyond the ordinary.
Please use these to heal self first, as this is the modeling others need to nudge them into remembering their own abilities and responsibilities of self-healing.
As individual members of humanity in the Body of Gaia, we each hold a piece to this puzzle. We are each a Key to the portals of the New Age. We represent our own private segment of collective health of Humanity in ourselves, and we are the ones who can transmute our own imbalances and ills, therefore transmuting them for Gaia’s kingdom of Humanity as well.
Acknowledge and offer to others respect for their own abilities to heal. This is the most powerful way to help them, as this reflects acceptance of them in an unconditional way, and bolsters their own flagging self-confidence in themselves. When you believe in them, they will find ways to believe in themselves too.
Let them know you trust them to be able to find these answers for themselves, and know they are beings of immense power for transmutation, just like you are.
Be willing to have faith in them, especially when they are reflecting that they themselves do not.
My eternal thanks to those many lovers who did this for me, and modeled this magic, showing me the way through the darkest and most dangerous passages in my life. I love you forever, as you know, wherever you are now. Since many of you are passed on now to other realms, and there was never any way to repay your kindness in reminding me of my own mastery, I hereby pass it on, in whatever ways I can.