This week, on An Hour with an Angel, we’ll ask Archangel Michael to explore with us some of the differences between the expected Tsunami of Love and Ascension.
Is the new way of life “flow”? Is that the paradigm of the Fifth Dimension?
Will the Tsunami erase our vasanas or is that something that will happen only later? Is the Tsunami of Love equivalent to a stage of enlightenment called “God Realization” (seventh-chakra enlightenment)? (If he says yes, I’ll explain more on the blog.)
Airs Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
Call 323-784-9697 or click this link to listen live or to the archive after the show:
We’ll ask him about, not Disclosure, but Ashtar’s mention of contact and rumors of an impending landing by the galactics. We’ll also ask him what predictable pitfalls can occur for the sacred partners who have emerged from their honeymoon periods. What advice has he to give them?
I’ve heard from various sources that Archangel Gabrielle did not think we took up her invitation to contain violent men. We’ll ask AAM how it’s possible that humans can participate in containment, which I thought was only capable of being done by archangels.
And, if we still have time, we’ll ask him to comment on current events in trouble spots like Venezuela, China and North and South Korea..