Andrew: We haven’t had a message from Ashtar through Philipp for a while, but here he comments on the recent outbreak of Ebola in Guinea. Ashtar also throws some light on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and explains how differences in channelled reports may arise. However, he stresses that any suggestions that the incident was staged by the Galactics is not true and that they would never act in such an unloving manner.
Ashtar Speaks: On the Ebola Virus Outbreak and Malaysian Flight MH370, channelled by Philipp. March 25, 2014.
Philipp: I asked Ashtar about the Ebola virus. Specifically, I asked him whether it was spread intentionally or if the occurrence is just a natural act. He confirmed to me that it was intended, indeed. It was spread out by the Dark Ones. But he refuses to give me more information about who exactly is behind this. What he has told me was this:
“All souls involved in this breakout have agreed to act as a ‘catalytic converter’. Our Star family is working on the containment of the virus. The good news is that the virus will not reach a stage of epidemic proportion. It will NOT delay our progress, especially not the Tsunami of Love. The Divine Plan has reached a stage where the ‘full steam’ cannot be hindered nor reduced. And that causes much frustration to our brothers and sisters with bad intentions…
Some issues have to play out. April especially will require from us Lightworkers a lot of ‘balanced support’ of our fellow human sisters and brothers.”
Moreover, he gave me information on the Malaysian air flight. I asked him about the seemingly contradiction in some of the recent channellings.
First, he advised me not to compare channellings. He advised me to just leave the messages as they are and not to “go into my mind”. And he showed me that the channellings are both correct and not contradicting at all. This is a little bit hard to explain since the message behind this came in as pictures and not as words. So I try my best to explain:
“Yes, the ship went down due to an explosion on board. There was no suffering. All passengers are dead and the souls returned home – with a big, big, very big welcome party on the other side. Spirit will not allow those behind the explosion to take advantage of the incident – for example, no new martial law, restrictions of travel procedures etc.
You know that we are living simultaneously in different timelines. Around this incident there are many timelines. The message you receive when you are asking for explanations depends on which timeline are you aligned with.”
One timeline involves the outcome described above which is the main timeline – meaning that ‘most attention’ is given to this timeline. Another timeline is that which Matthew has explained.
But Ashtar wants to make one point clear:
“There are some channels who tell us that the incident was staged by our Star family – that our Star family has abducted the airplane and now holds the passengers as hostages to put pressure on some governance to go ahead with Disclosure, NESARA etc. We know that this could never be the case. Never ever would our Star family act in such an unloving manner.”
But Ashtar wants to just make clear that any such news spread by channels are not ‘channelled timelines’ – meaning that such a behaviour is not a timeline which the channel has picked up.