Given the reports that chemtrails are still happening in the United States, I’d like to give as extensive a rundown as I can of what the celestials and galatics have said on the subject.
In brief, they’ve said that they neutralize chemtrails sprayed in the sky, but they allow the visible spectacle to continue in order to build awareness of the cabal’s designs for humanity and rally public opinion against their machinations. They cannot simply come in and do the whole job for humanity because this is a free-will planet, but they can mitigate or neutralize the effects of chemtrails and have been doing so for some years now.
Let’s start with former Livermore Labs scientist “Henry Deacon” (Arthur Neumann) who in Oct. 2006 said that “chemtrails were developed by Edward Teller and are basically the seeding of thousands of tons of microparticles of aluminum on the upper atmosphere to try to increase the albedo of the planet, the reflectivity of the planet, because of global warming.” (1)
He called it “a total gamble. Not nearly enough is understood. It may work, or maybe it won’t.”
However, in the same interview, he went on to discuss the cabal’s plans to lower the global population by various means.
Henry Deacon: The way they see it is there are too many people, and, you know, they’re right. That’s true. So they figure they need to eliminate them and they’re planning solutions to this. I happen to think it doesn’t have to be that way. Apart from what I’ve mentioned so far about the spacetime problems, the problem is overpopulation. It’s as simple as that. There are programs to reduce global population for everyone’s benefit. Believe it or not, the intent there is positive. It was put together by Kennedy way back then. The RAND Corporation was involved, and one of the Rockefellers, I forget which one, probably Laurance, I think.
Kerry Cassidy: By killing people off?
HD: Basically, yes. Artificial viruses that have been deployed using a number of means and are hard to detect or identify and nearly impossible to cure. Medical people in the public domain can’t identify what’s happening. …
Do you know that it’s legal to test biological and chemical agents against US citizens? It’s legal. You know, all that has to be done is to get the approval of the mayor of the city, or his equivalent in any area. Or some representative official. No-one knows this, but it can be checked out. Go look it up. It’s all carefully hidden away in the law somewhere, but it’s all in the public domain. It’s all there. (2)
As early as Sept. 2010, Matthew Ward was telling us that our star brothers and sisters were alleviating the effects of chemtrails.
“In alignment with [Earth’s] goal [of Ascension], our ‘space’ brothers and sisters are using their technology to alleviate the toxic effects of the oil and its dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the toxins in other waters, chemtrails and weaponry.” (3)
By July 2011, Matthew was informing us that:
“In most areas where formerly chemtrails were prevalent, the skies now are clear. When some of the pilots, mechanics and others involved in those flights learned the true purpose of chemtrails – the toxic payloads were not to compensate for the hole in the ozone layer, but rather to sicken people and pollute air, water and land – they refused to continue working.
“Others who did know the truth participated willingly in return for handsome payment, but as funding dried up, they also left their employment. However, the most decisive factor in this situation is, some individuals who had ordered or financed the flights are among those who embraced the light, and those who want to keep chemtrails crisscrossing your skies have lost almost all means to do so.” (4)
At the same time, SaLuSa was explaining that “chemtrails are more an attack on your health but are not without their effect on your mind. As we recently mentioned, these are being cleared away so that now they have little effect upon you.” (5)
That same month, Wanderer of the Skies revealed that:
“We have searched through all of your world and the darkness continually grows fainter as more and more Light suffices your world from energy sources in every way.”
“We have detected only sporadic instances of the use of chemtrails, weather changing technologies, and other devices of the Illuminati over the past several weeks.” (6)
About a month later, Wanderer returned to say that:
“In the recent past we were concerned with what we perceived as a rise in the level of Illuminati-controlled activities, especially where chemtrails and behind-the-scenes government disruptions of Third World powers were concerned. That appears to have lessened of late.” (7)
In July 2012, Matthew returned to say that Disclosure was not imminent but “during the interim [our galactic family] will continue using technology aboard their crafts to reduce the toxic effects of chemtrails and other pollutants.” (8)
In late 2012, SaLuSa again informed us that “we of the Galactic Federation have also helped by taking part in the cleansing and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.” (9)
By 2013, Matthew acknowledged that “chemtrails still are crossing your skies in some places and other polluting of your air, water and soil continues; so do desecration of your forests and dreadful treatment of animals in the seas and on land.”
But he reassured us that “you will see that all existing or proposed laws, policies, restrictions, products and systems that adversely impact life on Earth will be stricken incrementally.” (10)
(Concluded tomorrow.)
(1) “Interview with ‘Henry Deacon,’ a Livermore Physicist,” Oct. 6, 2006, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, July 11, 2011.
(5) SaLuSa, July 15, 2011, at
(6) Wanderer of the Skies, July 22, 2011, at
(7) Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 17, 2011.
(8) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.
(9) SaLuSa, Nov. 28, 2012.
(10) Matthew’s Message, May 12, 2013.