Nancy Scarangella commented on the article “The Binds that Tie” and I invited her to contribute her views on how to undo them. She’s produced an interesting review of some work going on in the field.
by Nancy Scarangella
In reading “The Binds That Tie”, I’d like to share various processes I am familiar with. One is called “Relive/Prelive” in HoloDynamics. The R/P process gives the opportunity for the individuals involved to access the “Place of Planning”, where the plan to learn something was originally made. The behavior of violence/abuse, in your case sourced/rooted in your paternal lineage, becomes clear.
Our Higher Self/Full Potential Self/Stream of Intelligence/Subconscious…(It doesn’t care what we call It)…..will take us to our “Place of Planning” to review the covenant we each made.
What was the lesson we planned to learn from this? Personally, in a R/P session concerning abuse throughout my father’s lineage, I learned that my family’s “downdraft” experiences were “to learn the parameters of love,” strangely enough.
This knowledge gave me an entirely new perspective on my father’s abusive behavior and in session, those misguided actions and “blocks” handed down through the lineage were transformed with the alchemy of loving understanding.
Judgment, anger and blame were melted/transformed into allowance and appreciation. Lesson learned. There are no mistakes. We made covenants (agreements) with others to learn from on this schoolhouse “Earth”.
It’s all about empowerment basically and a personal choice to be “response-able’.
In science and quantum physics, it is told that everything is energy in motion. Energy cannot be deleted or canceled yet can transform into another version of itself.
In the Six Stages of Development (Physical, Personal, Interpersonal, Social, Principled and Universal Well Being) described in HoloDynamics, a “downdraft” issue like “zero power” can transform into its “updraft” version, being that of “abundance” or an issue like “insecurity” into “confidence” and so on, by using effective processes unique to a given modality.
Science & Quantum Physics based transformation processes are specifically taught in HoloDynamics (The Whole – Power to Cause) wherein the process called “Tracking” follows an issue or belief (holodyne) through actions which block one’s full potential from manifesting.
Holodynes have the power to cause. They are holographic and have color, shape, size, consciousness, etc. Once the holodyne knows what to do, it seizes the opportunity and transforms itself, becoming that new “updraft” version of itself, which is its positive intention and we move beyond old patterns. Transformation of the issue or belief is instantaneous and permanent.
In our physicality, there are identified places that enable us to access “hyperspace” and “spinners of information” and the driving force behind our problems as being their potential solutions. Problems are caused by their potential solutions and can be transformed by using “tracking” or the “relive/prelive” in HoloDynamics.
Simply put, the processes of “Tracking” and “Relive/Prelive” are game changers.
“Tracking” can be enlisted by oneself as challenges surface, i.e. blocks to unfold. A guideline is followed to transform the challenge into its fullest potential. This is an effective self-guided, self-empowering technique, whereas the in-depth “Relive/Prelive” process requires the services of a trained practitioner.
The “Place of Planning” where formulated the lesson we chose to learn together, playing our chosen role, is accessed through the “Relive/Prelive” process in by Dr. V.Vernon Woolf. Here we access our family tree to transform our genetic codes and the inherited patterns from our past, then step into the future and bring it into the present.
Issues can be transformed given a variety of approaches as one concept may not resonate for everyone. Meditation is another powerful medium to consider.
Given that 95% of our thoughts aren’t ours and they get “imprinted” on us, through the use of meditation, we can deprogram them with high frequencies and intentions.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, renowned Epigeneticist and author of Biology of Belief endorses this work and the consciousness technology embedded in the Emotional-Mental Detox Program which uses meditation.
Meditations are used to transform 6 core issues (Male, Female, Fear, Pain, Guilt and Lack) in a program given by Suzanna Kennedy of The sequence followed in the
detox (reprogramming) of core issues is similar to moving through the layers of an onion to go within.
One can repeat the meditations as often as desired. They are easily accessible to the user.
Focussing predominantly on physical ailments, we can look to the work of Dolores Cannon, another talented teacher and practitioner who works in the Somnambulistic state.
Dolores developed a unique hypnotherapy technique and teaches practitioners how to address many issues using Past Life Regression which she calls QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy.
A QHHT session will allow you to experience your own “immortality”. This process can heal traumas incurred during events in past lives that may have manifested as physical or emotional issues in your current life.
Oftentimes, having the awareness of the source of a health / emotional issue is sufficient for complete healing. This will also allow you to experience the Higher Self, where we can get the answer to most of our questions.
This modality requires a trained practitioner and in August of 2013 Golden Age of Gaia contained a detailed article by QHHT Practitioner Henry Jones, “QHHT: Understanding the Bigger Picture.” (2)
Moving ahead to the concept of being blessed, there is “The Wholeness Blessing” from Archangel Michael.
“The Wholeness Blessing” was first received by Joseph Crane, who brought this blessing down from Archangel Michael in gratitude for his service in facilitating “The Eden Event” over many years.
The Wholeness Blessing is primarily a reyouthing of the physicality. In addition, it can be used to assist animals.
Joseph Crane explains his experience in receiving this blessing from AAM in great detail on the site below within the “Angel Visits” link. He’s now teaching the Wholeness Blessing.
(Taken from the site which begins with this statement about angels:
“Do you believe in angels? I do.
I have seen angels. I have talked with angels.
I have even touched angels and they me.
Angels are real. They do exist.” Joe Crane (1)
After Joseph Crane received this blessing from Archangel Michael he “set the vibration” in a woman (Jewls) and she gave it to a two-year-old with a hole in his brain from a car accident. The child was not developing properly, displaying symptoms of having suffered a stroke…and after receiving The Wholeness Blessing, the boy is seen here moving and running normally.
Joe Crane, “Be at Peace ~ Children of Light”
An inspiring story is evolving of a little boy born with a hole in his brain. At the heart of the story is an evolving revelation as to how all of us may be affected …
By now you can see that thoughts create. In closing, with my Vision Board before me reflecting my intentions. It displays my aspirations and is abundant with pictures of my pets, money, nature, a waterfall 2014 calendar, my perfect home, my Natal Chart, my Practitioner Certificates and statements of intent such as….”
As a child of God, I choose to co-create with like-minded people……..I claim my next best level of personal authenticity to come forward with ease, grace and joy.” There are postcards stating: “Life is a journey, not a guided tour.”, “Conceive. Believe. Achieve.”, “Thoughts are action words. Thoughts create reality.”, “Believe, dream, will and put it in the hands of God.”, “Hold an image of the life you want and that image will become fact.”,
“All my thoughts and actions originate from love.”, “I AM.”
Thank you for taking the time to consider the above. I hope this is of service and appreciate having this opportunity to share.
Be wonderful and bless your hearts, Nancy Angelique
(1) Be at Peace Joe Crane,
(2) “Henry Jones: QHHT: Understanding the Bigger Picture,” at