I’ve always approached my Ascension work as if, once I was cleansed of all vasanas, core issues, and false grids, I’d be ready to start in on the next phase of lightwork. For me that will be working with the galactics.
But I’m now becoming aware that there’s at least one more stage of preparation and that stage is purification.
We’ve been through a chaotic cleansing process and it’s as if we’re taking assessment after a storm.
There are things that need repair, cleaning, reorganizing, rearrangement. Things need to be put in their place.
What makes it all bearable is the wonderful companions we have to make this journey with, the amazing beings who are here on the planet today.
Incarnated angels, archangels, seraphim, ship’s commanders, prophets, saints – don’t get me started. I could go on and on about the types of people here, from all ages, all corridors of space, all kingdoms.
Chief among them, from my vantage point, are the pure beings, from whatever dimension they hail. I’ve had the privilege of being around a few of them lately and it’s impacted and inspired me.
The joy of working with them leads to the joy of us all going up together, so to speak. Up in vibration. Up in willingness. Up in mood. Up in every way.
And I’ve been observing them and learning from it. It seems to me that a pure-being is not simply one cleansed of impurities, but functioning as a whole being in an atmosphere of joy, satisfaction, and equanimity.
Their actions seem to me to be effortless, joyful, and harmless. Wherever they go, they seem to produce an addition to the store of love on the planet. They appear to leave each person they meet rewarded.
I don’t consider myself a pure being. I joke that I’m a rhinocerus compared to one. They seem like hummingbirds to me.
But the call to purity, which the Mother gifted us all with last year, shows up as very strong in me nonetheless.
And without these contacts, I might not have known what was available.
So, yes, I feel the need to purify my being after the chaos of cleansing and after these welcome encounters. It seems like a two-stage operation to me.
Tighten my screws, oil my joints, gather my strength. And true up to the ever-higher standards emerging as we meet and agree to work with each other.