God: Do Something You Love and You Will Find Relaxation, channeled by Heart Song Meditation, November 7, 2013 at https://heartsongmeditation.wordpress.com
When your body does relax your mind often starts to race filled with countless questions or with your to do list or with your fears and predictions for the next day.
Your mind is trying to help, it’s doing its job trying to protect you, to plan and to analyze; but, all too often it doesn’t know how and ends up spinning in circles. Try and remember that thinking takes energy. Even if your car is stuck in the mud if you have your foot on the accelerator you’re going to use gas. And you can do serious damage to your car if you stomp the accelerator while the car is not moving. You need the rush of air to keep things from overheating.
Your mind is kind of the same. It works best when its actually working. Your mind needs to be engaged to be at its best. Creativity is a good way to engage the mind. Often when you do something enjoyable you will be able to tire your mind out and relax. Creativity, which is active in its fashion, will help you to relax.
Many of My Children in developed nations try to relax and unwind by watching TV and while this is not always a bad thing it doesn’t really engage your mind. You know the value of letting and even encouraging children to play when you want them to go to sleep. Do you really think that you’re any different? Don’t you think that a pleasant, relaxed exhaustion may serve you when you’re trying to relax?
If you spend your time doing something creative it will use your mental energy up so that your mind doesn’t race so. This is physical as well as spiritual. If you have energy and you try to make yourself sit still you get fidgety don’t you? So, get up and use the energy! If you have been doing that which bores you do something fun. There is much repetition in day to day life; but while those repetitive tasks may exhaust your body they don’t do the same for your mind.
Repetition is easy. Your mind is good at it. There’s no challenge there and so the mind is left with all that extra energy. You have this energy; but if you do not focus it and use it deliberately it gets directed into every thought that happens to pop into your head. So the wheels spin endlessly and pointlessly denying you the relaxation you need and crave.
It is a bit counter-intuitive that often the best way to relax is by activity and by doing; but, it is the truth. Physical exercise helps to relax the body while helping it to grow stronger. Mental exertion does the same for your mind. It doesn’t matter whether it’s creativity or studying something you love just know that often activity is the key to relaxation and peace of mind.
Do something you love and you will find relaxation and you will find joy.
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