Today we listen to Archangel Michael explain what the Company of Heaven does behind the scenes. We hear him arrange a signal to help with discernment and offer to do that for others as well. We listen to him discuss the wider significance of the global currency reset, which is a global reset of values.
He talks about the rumors of a military coup, the fate of the so-called Black Pope, and the trend of events in Mexico and China. He discusses “the Event” and the focus on lightworkers. He discusses how to deal with sudden wealth, which include paying off all debt, taking a trip, and most of all having fun.
Finally he gives us our marching orders at Joshua Tree.
OK, I’m off to the conference! I may report enroute and during. But last time in Sedona, we were so busy that it wasn’t possible to report very much! We’ll see what happens this time. Thanks to Ellen for our transcript today.
An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, September 16, 2013
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone.
I’m GD. Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And welcome, Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: And welcome to you. Yes, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of blue. And let us begin this day, my beloved friends, by once again renewing the blue flame of truth that I share with all of you. Let it ignite within your heart, your throat, your third eye. Let it ignite throughout your body, for truth is necessary.
It is one of those elements that our Creator has put in place for us to understand the universe. It is the explanation and it is the substance of the One.
Weeks ago now, I have asked each of you, my family, my circle, my friends, to up the ante. And I repeat this plea this day, for each of you to allow your divinity and our divinity to rise up more clearly within you and to claim that blue flame of truth as you look at your world, as you create Nova Earth, as you bring forth what you desire.
This is the time of radical change, and I remind you — and I reach out to you — my brothers and sisters, we are in sacred partnership. We always have been. And dare I say we always will be? But this is the time of conscious acknowledgment and embrace of that partnership. So let us step forward together as one family, one unit, all one part of the Mother’s heart.
So, I know there is much to discuss this day. Where do you wish to begin?
Previously posted to line below
On the Reval
SB: Thank you, Lord. A lot of readers have taken up my invitation, which I made just once on the blog, to purchase Vietnamese currency. So now we have a large group of people who probably are listening to this broadcast and hoping you’ll say something about the progress of the global currency reset. So could we start with that please?
AMM: Well, first of all I commend you for all stepping forward in faith, trust, and in the knowing in what for some of you is a very complicated action and what in truth is a very simple action of creation and trust and it is in that action that you are also contributing to the shift in your world and to the creation of the new world. So let us first begin with that.
You say, “I have done this in act of trust, but, Lord, I would really like to know, where is my money?” That is really the heart of this question, is it not?”
SB: Yes, Lord, it is.
AAM: Well as you well know, the Company of Heaven and certainly my sister Gabrielle is a banker of sorts but not the kind you are seeking. There are many forms of abundance that come from us. And we certainly are instrumental in helping humanity in the shift to move along.
But I am pleased to answer your question. And my answer to your question is not significantly different than what I and others have said before. And that is that it is already underway. It is already moving forward.
Now have there been some glitches in terms of, not the bureaucracy … and let me also say that you have been very good in sending the energies to those frontline and middle-manager groups in terms of helping to infuse them confidence, energy, stamina, faith, to help them and assist them in the unfoldment of their jobs.
So they have been feeling much better of late in terms of their tasks at hand. So that is not one of the glitches that we are speaking of.
Now you have not done as well … and this is very true of the lightholder, loveholder community anyway … but you have not done as successfuly, shall we say, the task of letting go of not only your own concerns, but also the collective concerns with regard to doubt, fear, the belief in lack, poverty and greed.
So we would all ask you to continue to work on those belief systems, and the release, complete erasure of those belief systems and embracing at the same time the replacement, which is the confidence and the knowing that not only are you powerful creators of abundance but that you live, you thrive, and you welcome an abundant, equitable universe.
Now one of the factors that comes into play when you are undertaking such a massive reorganization and let us be clear this is a reorganization not only of the financial systems, the global financial systems, the power structures of your planet in terms of haves and have nots but also the elimination and restructuring of mindsets as well.
And for nations states, of which there are many involved … it is not simply Vietnam in this situation … but the nation states affected by this shift have need to feel that they are in a place of security. Now let us go back. Most of these nation states, in fact the power structure … and I am not simply talking about Illuminati or cabal or dark forces …. I am talking about the substructure and the structure or your nation states and of your societies, a given and until very recently when Gaia has shifted, an acceptable given was the belief and therefore the very protracted and grounded reality of greed, of control, of entitlement.
We could go on so what this restructuring, the reset of currencies, think of it that way because of course many of you are emotionally and spiritually invested in this undertaking.
But what you are really invested in is the reorganization, the reset, of the global value systems that are based on the knowing of Gaia’s wealth and abundance, the wealth of your star brothers and sisters, accessibility, allowance, the ability to receive. The concept of lack is simply absurd so you are resetting the entire mindset of these nation states.
And might we say particularly to those people who have been in positions of power and who have seen in various scenarios how all these issues are coming to the forefront for healing and elimination…. And I know I go on but this is important for you to truly understand.
So, when there are situations such as Syria, that bring to the forefront issues of war, mayhem, deadly force, intrigue, lies, what happens is those nations that would be affected by the reset of currency but had reached a place of feeling safe and secure, that their interests were protected adequately in order for this to go forward, become nervous. Markets become nervous and those in positions of control become nervous.
Now, those leading the movement to create these changes have not become nervous. They have not reneged. They have not stopped the process but they have taken into consideration some of the nervousness, the antsiness, the tensions that have been in the air. But has the process stopped? No. So I know that this has been a very long-winded answer to a very simple question.
What I have said has opened up a plethora of questions. Has it not?
S: Well, yes and no. I really would like listeners to understand, to get that what Archangel Michael just said was my first question on my paper which I didn’t need to read out to him. You frequently do answer questions that are in my mind, Lord but I don’t think listeners realize that. So thank you. You have just answered my first question which was could you describe the global operation of something like the global currency reset and you have done a wonderful job of doing it. Thank you.
This was earlier posted to here.
The Company of Heaven’s Role in Large Events
Second question, though — the reason I’m asking these questions, or thinking them — and you’re answering them — is that I don’t think lightworkers, and others, always get an idea of the vastness of the operation. They certainly don’t have an idea of what the Company of Heaven, what the celestials, galactics and ascended masters are doing behind the scenes.
You’ve answered the first part. You’ve given a tremendous overview. Could you now tell us — because we don’t know — could you tell us what’s the Company of Heaven doing behind the scenes? What does it look like?
Do you follow my question?
AAM: Yes, let us be concrete. And I want to go back to how we started today.
SB: Please.
AAM: And that is to remind each and every one of you, our beloved friends — that expression that you have, ‘boots on the ground’, well, you are our boots on the ground, our feet on the ground.
But what do we do? Well, there are some things that we do and do very well, and there are some things that we are not fully involved in because of this aspect of free will. But let me be more precise.
One of the advantages, and one of the reasons, by the way, why some of the masters who had fully intended to already be some of those feet on the ground, why we are here is not simply about currency exchange. It is about this reset in values, what you have termed divine qualities.
We have the capacity, even with the element of free will, to have a longer view than you do on Earth. It is simply because we are in a different reality and we have a different understanding, and certainly time is a different measure, shall we say, than what you are working with.
That doesn’t matter. You have many other fine qualities.
But what we will do with people, shall we say, not only in key positions, for there are some of you that have heard our whisper to go and buy dinar or dong, etc., or to go to this place and move, or to do this session or not. So we are always planting these ideas.
But one of the things we do is we also plant the longer view, so that a person who is involved in a highly complex situation — which this is, by the way; because it is not just about money, it is not just about currency, it is about values — in key people we will plant the longer view.
We will inspire, if you wish to use that word, the longer view so that they have like a flash of lightning the understanding and all the steps to what can be accomplished many steps out if they simply do A, B, C and D.
And then what we do is we create circumstances — again, beyond the number of variables that you can humanly juggle, although there is that part of you that can assist, and does — but we create situations and combinations of energies that then allow that to come to fruition.
So it is akin to laying out the banquet table, knowing it will be a delightful feast — everything is prepared. Now, can we make you eat? No. But usually — not always, but usually — the inspiration, the vision, the unfoldment that has been planted within is so beautiful and so clear that it is almost like a compulsion on the part of the individual, or in some situations, the group, to proceed in a certain direction.
Now, in amongst that — just like you have groups upon the planet, you have some people who are interested in human rights, some that are interested in the cessation of conflict and war. Now, that is right up my alley, along with communication.
Then there are those, shall we say, that would be under the auspices of Gabrielle, which is minute organization, everything in place, the central administration of the universe, every I dotted, every T crossed.
Then there are those that are working under the grouping or the auspices, say, of Jesus Sananda, which is truly about two things — creating abundance, yes, and compassion.
Then there are those who are the teachers. And then there are those who are the communicators.
So each group is working intently on various aspects of this unfoldment. It is not as simple as simply one head of an International Monetary Fund making a decision. It is far more — far more! — complex than that.
So, for example, in a situation where you are wanting a revalue in a country that is very dictatorial and violent. Well, then, those who are above and below with me, but the Company of Heaven, my legions, we are working in the anchoring and the toning down of that violence, that dictator, that dictatorship, that structure. And then right behind us is Jesus Sananda and his group, introducing greater compassion and understanding for the populace.
SB: Lord, may I interrupt for a moment?
AAM: Yes.
SB: Does that apply to Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
AAM: Yes. It applies to a multitude of projects, of which this currency, financial restructuring, whether it is prosperity programs or revaluation, or NESARA, all of these, whether it is the cessation of war, whether it is feeding the hungry, all of our projects are interwoven.
That is why so often we use the example — and we want to emphasize the example — of the new grid. The tapestry is interwoven. So there is not one project that stands alone, because the impact on other things is that ripple effect. That is the domino effect that I have spoken of in terms of a series of events.
They are all together. So, for example, when last we spoke, or when you spoke to us as a collective, and you asked about Barack Obama and his desire to go to war in Syria, and we said, “Instead of just listening to the words, watch the energy. He is practicing a strategy of stalling.”
Now, has this been looking like a defeat for Obama? Does it look like an embarrassment for Obama? Yes, in your world it certainly does. And do you think a star brother who has been put in this position to ensure certain things come to pass cares if he is embarrassed? Not one iota.
So it is important in your discernment to look at what is truly unfolding and not just look at what is occurring on the surface, and I say this to you because on the surface there is so much turmoil, there is so much confrontation, there is so much chaos, but this has to be cleared.
And I want to say these words of encouragement: the clearing, collective and individual, that is taking place is above what we anticipated. Now, from your perspective, we understand. You are shaking your heads and pulling out your hair — if you have any — and saying, “Lord, why is it taking so long?” And we are doing everything we can to move this along in a very, very timely, immediate approach.
So do not pay attention to what the naysayers and those who are clinging to the thready fragments of the old third are saying. Acknowledge them, send them love and keep going.
SB: That is indeed helpful, Lord. Thank you. That was a much fuller discussion than I ever hoped for. So thank you. And I will now smartly move on to other topics, because I have a few to ask you.
The “Black Pope”
Here’s a question that’s just come in [from Geoff West via Skype]. Recently the Superior General of the Jesuits, Adolfo Nicolás, came out on public record speaking out against the war in Syria. This individual is what some have called the Black Pope. This individual rarely appears, let alone speaks, in public.
Is this new individual working in partnership now with Francis to change everything in the Vatican?
AAM: That is correct. And he was given a choice to either work with Francis or get out.
SB: All right. Anything more you want to say about that, Lord?
AAM: Well, I think that pretty much says it all.
SB: [laugh] Yes, it does!
AAM: It is funny. Because there are times when I know, in my voice, my actions, my manner, where you will sense some impatience or frustration. Now, it is not that we do not experience or have emotion. It is just not on the same level experientially as you.
Now, tolerance is a divine quality. And it has need to be anchored so deeply within the human consciousness, psyche, actions — and it is something that we practice, and practice and practice (we’re hoping to get it right) — tolerance has brackets on it because there are certain things — behaviors, mayhem, murder, hatred, abuse, violence — that are not to be tolerated. And so what Francis is doing in a very gentle but very clear and loving way is making sure that his people understand those brackets of tolerance.
So they are coming into line.
SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord.
(Continued in Part 2.)