What an interesting conjuncture of events. I had been enjoying Elizabeth: The Golden Age when mention came in that the Divine Mother’s talk on Heavenly Blessing was ready to be posted. So as I read over the Divine Mother’s talk, I had the picture of Elizabeth in my mind.
What a job Elizabeth had and in how many ways did she resemble the Divine Mother – both mothers to their people. And are there not so many wonderful hints in the movie on service, in an age when service meant so very much more and had so much greater consequence than it seems to have today?
Just as Walsingham, Bess, (1) and Raleigh served the mother of her people, so all of us serve the Divine Mother of the world. And for me at least, there’s a solemnity to it that I’ve never been able to put in words.
I think the Mother would chide me and tell me to laugh more if we were talking to her right now – and I would laugh more – in service. But I can say for myself, anyways, that I would never lose sight, I think, of my being here simply to serve Her and for no other reason.
All three – Walsingham, Bess, and Raleigh – walk a difficult line. What ego does to service makes all the difference between success and failure. It’s only the self-forgetfulness of her servants, I think, that allows a monarch to make wise policy and have it be successfully acted upon.
A queen like Elizabeth could not have done what she did without servants like Walsingham, Bess and Raleigh. A queen cannot do all that needs to be done alone. She needs servants who’ve completely forgotten themselves.
In my view, Walsingham represented loyalty. Bess represented love. And Raleigh represented courage. As a servant of the Mother, I never tired of watching their performance. In my view, self-forgetfulness is the ingredient that makes a success of service. It’s a rare movie that can actually illustrate that and I think this movie did.
I think I can safely say – I hope I can safely say – that we as lightworkers will be tested in the weeks and months ahead. The depth of our self-forgetfulness could become challenged by what we hear about ourselves. After all, until perhaps four years ago, maybe five, we were just ordinary folk going about our business.
But since then we’ve found out so much that required us to shed that image of ourselves. We’ve had to acknowledge some amazing things, such as that we come from faraway planets, that we have a really very important job to do, and that we’ve been to more places … OK, more dimensions … than we ever would’ve imagined.
On top of that, whether this planet goes nuts or not when it hears what it’s about to hear depends in no small measure on how we be, how we serve.
Meanwhile, as our eyes are opened to what’s true about us, we still need to carry on and give as faithful, loving and courageous service as we’ve always done up till now. That’s the challenge of the next few months and years: To learn the truth about ourselves and not let it affect us.
We could fail in service if we become carried away by what we learn. We can succeed if we allow what we learn to fall off us like water off a duck. Our self-forgetfulness will have our service be taken to a place that will genuinely be talked about – as Saul and Jesus, Sanat Kumara and the other beings we serve have been telling us is already the case.
As I see it, this is the secret side of what we’re doing. It’s a side we don’t talk about much. But everyone who’s playing a role now or will be, I believe, may have thought about this at some time before they fall asleep at night. Not everyone plays a really big role but everyone plays an important role. No, not the role you signed up for. The role of demonstrating faithfulness, love and courage in service.
(1) Bess was Elizabeth’s faithful lady in waiting.