(Continued from Part 2.)
Spiritual adept Beinsa Douno also foretold the coming of the masters of all the great spiritual traditions to serve what he called “the New Epoch.”
“All saints, adepts and Masters from time immemorial will come. Their mighty spirit will direct all awakened souls throughout the earth and all of these together will establish perfect order and harmony in the world.
“After they finish their task, they will withdraw and will leave humanity to live and work under the new conditions. Thus, the communication between the visible and the invisible worlds will be restored.” (11)
Father Andrew Glazewski, a much-loved Polish priest, mystic, scientist and musician, reported from the spirit realms:
“The plan for which we must prepare … has been called the Second Coming. But it is not in the least like the original Coming of Christ. This will happen at first slowly, and all over the world people will appear possessing great dynamic force and power.
“They will not command. They will keep in step with all of you in all the different walks of life, but slowly, gently, they will impress the love ray, and their gentle influence will be felt and guarded. Take this into your conscious mind and hold yourself alert to meeting, as you may well do, one of these advanced beings.
“The earth is ripe for this event and there are an increasing number of awakened ones now in the body. See that the number grows and do not lose heart because of the apparent futility of your efforts.” (12)
Arthur Ford made a cryptic comment about Masters who had incarnated.
“As you know, several of the people who were associated with Jesus during His life have now reincarnated. They don’t advertise it, but these people are genuine.” (13)
I personally know a disciple of Jesus who would have been in incarnation when Arthur Ford spoke. He doesn’t want to be identified. I know of several people who associated with Jesus who are in the body, several prophets, etc. So Ford’s comments don’t seem out of place to me.
On another occasion, he explained why so many people were claiming to have an illustrious background or derivation. However we now know that many people claiming unusual backgrounds are in fact here to help with Ascension.
“The reason you’re seeing so many second comings of Jesus, second comings of Buddha, and even the rise of black magic and Satanism is because humanity is vaguely aware that something big is going to happen. When someone says, ‘Oh, I’m Mary Magdalene’ or ‘I’m Jesus,’ this is just a very strange response to genuine impelling forces.
“Humanity is tuning in, more or less consciously, to these particular forces coming from within, from the inner planes, at this time. This is one of the reasons why there is such a rise in the interest in psychic phenomena, after all – because we are all making ready for the reappearance of the Christ. Jesus only had one harbinger, but the Christ of the New Age is going to have several million harbingers.
“As you know, several of the people who were associated with Jesus during His life have now reincarnated. They don’t advertise it, but these people are genuine.” (14)
On still another occasion, Ford wrote:
“Whenever there has been an avatar, there has been a lifting of the vibration of the whole human race. You can look for that and much more. The physical plane is rapidly moving into the fourth dimension. Part of the avatar’s work is to raise the consciousness of the planet so that this particular transition can be made. That is the first thing that will happen.
“You’re going to be noticing within your lifetimes that some things are not working quite like they used to, and this will be an indication that this transition is happening.
“At the same time there will be an increasing awareness of some of the inhabitants of the inner side of life – entities such as elves, angels, and spooks. This will be another indication of what is happening.
“The major work of the coming avatar is to lay the foundation for a truly spiritual civilization based on a clarification of ancient wisdom and a new revelation. He will guide us up the next evolutionary step for mankind, which is basically what every avatar comes to do. …
“I don’t think he will be working through the framework of traditional Christianity any more than Jesus Christ worked through the traditional framework of Judaism. He will probably have his beginnings there, because that will be the predominant religion of whatever community he is in.
“However, I’m sure he will go beyond it. We forget that Buddha began in the Hindu religion and broke through the traditional framework for that and created something new, too.” (15)
At least two avatars are here at present: Mata Amritanandamayi and Mother Meera. Maitreya’s return could conceivably be included among avatars (certainly Jesus was seen by Sri Ramakrishna as an avatar and Maitreya comes with equal stature).
Sanat Kumara recently mentioned a long list of returned Masters that included such elders of Judaism as Moses and Abraham. (16)
Benjamin Creme had been awaiting and more recently has been announcing the return of Maitreya, the world teacher, along with others, for decades. Maitreya, in the interview on an upcoming Hour with an Angel, called Creme a good friend and loyal supporter and Archangel Michael told me that Creme’s writings on Maitreya were reliable. Creme’s Share site says:
“Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfils all these expectations is already living among us.
“Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense. He can only guide; we have to act to save our world.
“He is here to inspire us to create a new age based on sharing and justice, freedom and peace, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, healthcare, and education, in a world free from want and war.
“His open mission in the world has begun. As Maitreya himself has said: ‘Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words.’” (17)
So many have been the harbingers of the Masters’ return. It isn’t as if there is not a long historical record of people predicting the events that we’re seeing unfold before our eyes now. Along with the abundance program and Disclosure, the Masters’ Return is one of the major events designed to prepare us for Ascension. That event appears to be happening, if not now, then in the very near future.
In our next article in this series, we’ll look at the impact on religion of the Masters return.
(Continued in part 4.)
(1) The significance of passing to the Sphere of Contemplation is that Jesus has passed to an exalted sphere from which communication with the Earth is less common and less likely. But that is, I think, a statement that applies to an ongoing communication with Earth, and not to a special time, such as the Masters’ return.
(2) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com at https://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mspteach.htm, 13-4.
(3) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings. London: Spiritualist Press, n.d. (Prior to 1883), 109-10
(4) John Heslop to his wife, F. Heslop in Speaking Across the Border-Line. Being Letters from a Husband in Spirit Life to His Wife on Earth. London: Charles Taylor, 9th ed., n.d., 136-7.
(5) John Heslop to his wife, F. Heslop, medium, Further Messages Across the Border-Line. A Continuation of “Speaking Across the Border-Line.” London: Charles Taylor, n.d. , 82-4.
(6) “Stella,” FMABL, 112.
(7) Mechizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, March 14, 2012, at https://www.therainbowscribe.com.
(8) White Eagle, Wisdom from White Eagle. Through Grace Cooke. Liss: 1983; c1967.
(9) Silver Birch, Teachings of Silver Birch. Wisdom from the World Beyond. Ed. A.W. Austen. London: Spiritualist Press, 1962; c1938, 26.
(10) Silver Birch, Silver Birch Anthology. Ed. Wm. Naylor. London: Spiritualist Press, 1974; c1955, 40.
(11) “The Great Universal Brotherhood,” Way of the Good, at https://www.beinsadouno.org/en/node/1105.
(12) Father Andrew Glazewski in Cynthia Sandys and Rosamund Lehmann, The Awakening Letters. Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1978, 95.
(13) Arthur Ford in Robert Leichtman, The Psychic Perspective. Columbus: Ariel, 1978, 103-4.
(14) Arthur Ford, PP, 103-4.
(15) Arthur Ford in PP, 104-5.
(16) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.
(17) “Maitreya the World Teacher steps forward,” at https://www.share-international.org/.