(Continued from Part 1.)
There has been a lively discussion among afterlife communicators going back to the 1870s of the event known as the Return of the Masters. It sometimes is subsumed under discussions of the Second Coming. It comes from higher-dimensional beings and from ordinary people who have just passed over and are still communicating with their loved ones or their former readers.
I can take the discussion back as far as the 1870s, when “Imperator,” the pseudonym adopted by the prophet Malachi, was speaking through Rev. Stainton Moses, He discussed the upcoming Return of the Masters to Earth.
“Christ has passed into the spheres of Contemplation; (1) but He may personally return when our work is completed. But much must be accomplished before the harvest will come, and the time of sowing and growth will be long.
“Ye know not how great is the work that is being done; how vast the vista that is being opened. Never before has there been such an outpouring of Divine Love as now. Silent influences are at work in men’s minds. All over the world they are being prepared to receive the teaching we are giving you here.
“Should it be necessary for the furtherance of this mission, other great Intelligences will return, and bring their magnetic force to bear upon the earth. At present it is not needed, as the work is progressing.” (2)
On another occasion, Imperator described his work associated with the spiritual return of the Christ.
Imperator: I have before said that I derive my mission, and am influenced in my work, by a spirit who has passed beyond the spheres of work into the higher heaven of contemplation. Jesus Christ is now arranging His plans for the gathering in of His people, for the further revelation of the truth, as well as for the purging away of the erroneous beliefs which have accumulated in the past.
Stainton Moses: I have heard something of this from other sources. Is this then the return of Christ?
I: It is the spiritual return. There will be no such physical return as man has dreamed of. This will be the return to His people, by the voice of His Messengers speaking to those whose ears are open; even as He Himself said, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear; he that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”
SM: Is this message coming to many?
I: Yes, to many it is being made known that God is now specially influencing man at this epoch. We may not say more. (3)
After Imperator, spirit communicator John Heslop, allegedly a resident of the Christ Sphere, a high spirit plane, hinted at the role the angels will play in birthing the new world in a communication that appeared around 1912.
“Angelic beings assist at the birth and development of these new worlds. They build up the conditions necessary for the ultimate production of life, though this process may take millions of years. At first the lowest forms only are produced. Gradually they rise in capacity till the world is ready for the highest intelligences.
“It was so in your world and the angels are still working, as they have been since its inception. Recently they have begun a further and higher work. As a race you will rise, till in very truth it will become for you a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (4)
I am led to believe that there are significant numbers of angels presently incarnated on Earth. It seems each day that we learn of more people in the body who have angelic backgrounds. (In fact some say that we all do.)
In a second book, Heslop predicted the Christ’s return accompanied by legions of angels.
“Do not be afraid of the present conditions of evil and unrest, the Christ is coming, and then everything will fall into its rightful place. The Christ is coming! Let all the earth keep silence before Him!
“To those who have attained the Spiritual vision he is already visible and from every part of the world will they greet Him and evil and evil-doers will flee away from the Light of His Presence. Then will He reign upon the earth in Righteousness and Truth.
“Pray continually that the day of His Coming may be hastened for we here are also working to this end. The joy and glory of that Reign of Peace will far exceed anything you can dimly imagine.
“But I cannot tell you how heavy our work is just now; there are so many evil forces around your world, which must be counteracted or transmuted. It is a transition period of vital moment to all those who dwell on earth and to the many planes and spheres which impinge upon it.
“Legions of Angels are employed to uplift and purify so that the Christ may come and reign in your midst. Keep you faith strong in the Second Coming of the Christ.” (5)
The Return of the Masters, in my opinion, is the event that corresponds to the Second Coming. A friend of Heslop’s wife, “Stella,” also worked for the Second Coming from the other side of life.
“My special work on earth just now is in helping to prepare the way for the Coming again of the Christ and His Reign of Peace and Love, for He is coming and you are all helping to make the conditions necessary for His reception.
“He is never far from the soul that loves Him and to such He frequently shows Himself. But what you are longing for is – His Visibility to all – so that everyone must see and acknowledge Him. When the time is ripe, that is coming too, for never did the earth so need Him as it does now. This is the ‘end of the time’ spoken of in the New Testament, so pray and pray that these days may be shortened, as we too pray for you here.” (6)
Melcihzedek told us some time ago that:
“These are the end times that have been prophesied many times in many ages past and now these times are upon you. You who read this are Ones who chose to be here in order to anchor the Light upon the Planet in preparation for these times.” (7)
The spirit guide known as White Eagle made a passing reference to the spiritual hierarchy returning to guide the Earth. The spiritual hierarchy is also known as the White Brotherhood and would be a synonym for the ascended masters.
“A rapid development is taking place now, although man may be largely unconscious of it. In a little while the human race will be uplifted by its own effort and the effort of the [spirit] hierarchies.
“There is also great spiritual activity in outer space, a penetration of the mists of Earth by the angelic life. Man must learn to be receptive to these radiations from outer space. He must prepare himself by gentle, good thought, by abolishing all that is cruel, unseemly, ungoldly, to receive visitors from other worlds, physical, etheric and spiritual.
“Moreover he has to become aware not only of the life in outer space and in other planets, but also of the conscious life in all nature, and his own relationship to it in every kingdom.” (8)
The spirit guide known as Silver Birch also showed his awareness of the Masters’ return. He began by discussing the “new dispensation.”
“When Spirit brings forth its new dispensation, there will be a revolution mightier than all the revolutions of war and blood.
“It will be a revolution of the soul and, all over the world, people will claim what is their due – the right to enjoy to the full the liberties of the spirit. Away will go every restriction which has put fetters on them.” (9)
There is much work for this divine force to do.
“In all [Earth’s] countries a mighty force of the spirit will be felt, for there is a great work to be done to counteract the selfishness and the ignorance of your world. … Plenty of workers have come to take their stand at your side. … When you think of those whose names you know, try to realise the countless host of the unknown, who serve without any desire to be known or recognised but who give their power to be used.” (10)
(Continued in Part 3.)