A wealth of guidance continues to be posted at this time to assist us with our clearing process.
We heard Archangel Michael recently say that lightworkers had volunteered to lead the way in clearing for the collective and in modeling clearing. (1)
We’re in the thick of it and perhaps all we can do is take it with a sense of humor, as AAM encouraged us to do.
The Arcturian Group states the case plainly.
“Over lifetimes of living in duality and separation, you have accumulated lower resonating energies which have been stored within your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. These need to be cleared for they cannot go with you into the higher dimensional energies that you moving in to. This is what you are doing now–releasing these old and toxic energies carried in ignorance from lifetime to lifetime and which have held you in bondage to many of the issues you deal with in daily life.” (2)
I was walking downtown today and noticing myself that my head region feels joyful, even blissful, but my chest region, specifically, feels as if there are more toxins there, just waiting for release. The Arcturians remind us:
“As these clearings take place unpleasantness may surface and you may think you are going backwards in your spiritual progress. No dear ones, it is just the opposite, you have reached that place in your journey where you are now evolved enough to let go of that which is old and finished. You are releasing all that you have dragged with you from lifetime to lifetime when you did not have enough awareness to understand that these old and dense energies were holding you back.”
All through last year, we watched our bodies change and suffered from Ascensionitis. But this is not the same. Last year we were being tenderized. But now, to draw from Khalil Gibran, we’re being baked for God’s sacred feast.
“You have come to the place of finally being ready to do this difficult work, and you are doing it beautifully so do not to see the painful issues of your lives as some sort of failure but as signs that you are graduating. Be aware that some clearing is taking place in the dream state so if you have troubling dreams know that you are most likely releasing the energy of some past life experience.”
Even in the dream state we’re releasing. That is daunting.
We tend to react to each feeling and sensation we have. We often look upon this body as us and each ripple through it is a ripple through us. But in fact the body isn’t us. It’s just an instrument. And the real us, the inhabitant inside the body, now needs to break that identification with its vessel and allow the vessel to drain its negativity.
Instead of reacting to this release of negativity, a more fruitful stance might be to assume the posture on it that we assume when we meditate. When we meditate, we breathe, we observe, we experience, but we don’t join with or identify with. We detach ourselves and simply watch what occurs.
The same is needed here. The release of negativity, I believe, will happen a lot more smoothly if we just allow it, observing the process but not engaging with it.
The Arcturians end by suggesting that we drop all concepts of how release and evolution should look.
“It is important that you let go of all concepts of how clearing, evolution, or ascension should look–for yourselves or for the world. Release any and all concepts or comparison of your journey versus another’s for all have had different lifetimes with varying experiences leading to whatever personal issues need to be looked at, released, and moved beyond.”
We’ve handled almost everything until now by thinking about it first and then fitting reality into our pictures. But the reality that’s opening up before us will never fit into our pictures. It was never meant to. And it could never do so. And it’s our pictures that need to go.
It isn’t that we shouldn’t be dreaming, as far as I’m aware. SaLuSa all last year encouraged us to do so. But when, instead of dreaming, we force ourselves to see the world through our concepts, then we usually seem to fall far short of whatever’s opening before us.
So again here is the principal movement of these times, illustrated in the Arcturian Group’s message: release the old and open to the new. Always and always, that message seems to be being brought home to us.
Here the old is the toxic energies that are arising for release. And the new? Well, viewed from the perspective so far, as far as I’m concerned, the new will only expand and expand and the very worst thing we could do is turn it into an idea.
(1) See “Running Light,” May 7, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/running-light/. But also: “Archangel Michael Delves Deeper into Vasanas,” May 7, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/archangel-michael-delves-deeper-into-vasanas/
(2) The Arcturian Group, May 6, 2013, at https://www.onenessofall.com/