One of the seminal concepts for me in all the work we’ve done together in the past four years is to emerge from our fear – fear of being hurt by the cabal, fear of revealing ourselves, fear of rejection, fear of losing our jobs.
It also just so happens that we’re in a phase of Ascension where emergence is key – where we now need to consolidate our gains and step out of our shells into our full stature as a spiritual being. For many reasons, the topic of emergence is one we would profit by considering at this time.
Emergence is a path to enlightenment and it’s a path well suited to writers. I’ve been much occupied with the notion for the past few days and so I took it upon myself to take the best passages from past articles and collate them here.
“Emergence” at
Enlightenment can be reached by many paths, through many ways. For every sense door, a path. For every mode of experiencing, a path. For every temperament, a path.
And the mode called writing invites, for me anyways, a very particular path, which I’ve called “emergence.”
Emergence is to stand forth as one’s truth, to free our expression from all dogma and equivocation, all fear and anxiety, all suppression and intimidation, as people are doing right here [in this discussion group called Galactic Roundtable], right now.
Emergence may not look pretty. It may be a noisy birth or a quiet birth. But the more we emerge, the more we break the knots that bind us, find our native voice, free our natural expression, and stand forth in the way we were first created.
“Show me your original face” could be translated as “emerge.” Stop suppressing yourself. Stop hiding.
But it doesn’t mean attack, insult, or anything close. To do that would be to violate our divine nature and the way God designed life, it seems to me, makes that result in more tension, more layers of withheld energy and consciousness, further darkness.
Emergence is emergence from attack, from duality, from separativeness, the emergence of our nature as it is, free of restraint but also harmless and unconcerned with what others do or don’t do.
I emerge. It has nothing to do with whether you do or not. I stand forth. I don’t have you stand forth. I have me stand forth.
I do that by sharing who I am in the matter, as someone has just done.
The game in here [Galactic Roundtable], as far as I’m concerned, is emergence, throwing off the self-imposed chains of shame and guilt, letting go of worry about what others think of us, peeling back the layers and revealing one’s self, warts and all.
The one who can speak his or her truth without fear and yet without harm has achieved the individual sovereignty already that the galactics promise us, as far as I’m concerned. What’s left to win if we’ve released ourselves from our self-imposed prison of fear already?
Stop worrying about how you look. Stop trying to be right. Emerge in here. Who are you in the matter? Not who am I or who is someone else. Who are you?
Tell me who you are, deeply, transparently. I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am. The all of me, the how of me, the beginning and the end of me.
Tell me who you are. I will hear you.
“What is Emergence?” at
Because of the nature of our circumstances, I find it not as appropriate to say that our goal as a [discussion group called Galactic Roundtable] is “awakening” or “enlightenment” as it is “emergence.”
To “emerge” means to come out of my shell, to speak my personal truth in spite of my fears. As I see it, we emerge in many ways. In everyday life, I might emerge in a moment of love towards another. I might emerge in a moment of courage.
But, here on this “discussion” group, although we may emerge in love and courage, inevitably that emergence will be “discussed” or conveyed in writing and so I say that we emerge in “truth.”
Truth yearns to be uttered and heard. Truth lives in formless space, but is socially fulfilled in language.
You’ll know when your truth presents itself to you because you’ll rise up from whatever you’re doing and feel compelled to share it with another.
What truth? If we emerge in the ultimate truth of formlessness, well, that’s cause for celebration. I would call that “ascension.”
But what is much more likely at this time is that we’ll emerge in the relative or personal truth of ourselves. That may be the truth of you or the truth for you.
Here now comes what Atmos called “the fly in the ointment.”
The truth for you is probably not going to be an attack on someone else. If truth were an attack, then we all might look forward to our future with some trepidation.
But the future, where truth reigns, is said to be peaceful and compassionate.
Truth releases us from fear, anger, and all the other lower human qualities. So if what you are moved to say doesn’t release you, but keeps you gripped in or sends you further into lower qualities, then it isn’t the truth.
The truth unites; it seldom divides. I grant you that we’re still in oppositional times as the dark attempts to vaccinate us all with nanococktails. The truth for us may be a resolve to say “no” to something.
The truth for us may unite us with some and divide us from others, but it shouldn’t set us against even those we oppose, or it’s not the truth.
In the case of vaccination, the truth does not involve an attack on another, just a resolve not to be vaccinated – in the name of truth.
Truth is a divine quality, just as love and courage are. They mix well together.
Truth does not mix well with the lower human qualities like anger and jealousy. In fact, the two probably cannot coexist.
Leo Buscaglia said that “love is letting go of fear.” I would go further and say that love, or courage, or truth expressed, transcends fear.
Emergence comes when we reveal ourselves until we ache. It comes when we find our courage and trump fear. It comes when we share a secret that has bound us for years.
Suddenly we share our truth and the result is that we emerge.
Emerge from what? From fear, shame, inhibition, anger, jealousy – from our shell. We emerge and stand forth, seen.
The man I served who asked that this discussion group be started wanted to publish intelligence from certain sources. But I began it to facilitate people in emerging. This site had two sides, as it still does.
Therefore, from the start of its life, one of the accents has always been on sharing our hearts out in a “safe, sacred, and workable” space, designed to be that way so that we could remove our masks in here and be seen for who we are.
You notice that we don’t have on this site a large collection of trivia and jokes? The floors are swept clean and everything is left in a state that invites sharing our truth or the truth of who we are.
So you’re humbly and kindly invited to use this space for what it was intended for – your emergence.
And not just your emergence. I call upon the group itself to emerge.
Wake up at the level of group. Take “ownership” (i.e., be personally responsible for) the space of this group. Feel from the level of the group. Emerge (yourself) as group.
Emerging as group means getting bigger. It means feeling the entire space of the group from the postings. It means noticeing when the group turns icey with fear. It means seeing how the group responds to one member’s share of difficulty.
And it means communicating our truth in a way that forwards the action and restores “beingness” to the group by making the truth of the situation known, whether it be negative or positive.
“On Emergence and Arrival” at
Emergence is a decision made in the moment to stand forth as one’s truth in the face of countervailing pressures to remain silent, give in, succumb, or surrender. A person stands forth as their truth in the face of frightening odds or terrifying circumstances and they “emerge.” Mothers who lift cars off their babies “emerge.” People who walk into enemy fire or wrestle with a lion to save their loved ones “emerge.” people who are obliged to speak truth to power may emerge before doing so.
Arrival is the passage from a simply intellectual appreciation or understanding of an event to a much deeper experience of it that has bodily correlates, such as weeping or horror or actual bodily spasms and such. Sometimes one can “arrive” in the midst of a heart attack. One can “arrive” in the course of a near-death experience.
One can emerge and emerge and emerge, each time coming more and more out of a shell and standing forth ever more completely as one’s truth. One can arrive in one setting after another and in fact, I’d imagine that people usually do.
I’m not enlightened, so I cannot say whether emergence or arrival leads to enlightenment. But I consider them both stages of it and part of the gradual process which may itself simply blend into enlightenment, as a few sages have said happens, or else result eventually in a sudden starburst of enlightenment.
I was asked recently what I was aiming at in producing this website [the 2012 Scenario]. I replied that I was interested in “transparency.” Transparency lays the groundwork for emergence and arrival. By being truthful – as truthful as it’s wise to be, given that we face forces that would exploit our truthfulness – one is, as it were, exercising the same faculty that will be used to emerge and arrive.
As a writer, I give up having the time to meditate. Meditation is not my path. Emergence and arrival are. I choose to stand forth as my truth, more and more each day, and I feel a subsequent strengthening and clarifying occur inside me.
Your path is your path, as it should be. Transparency, emergence, arrival are mine. Standing forth is mine. Showing up is mine. Being present and aware is another way of describing it. Owning my life and acting without fear are others.
When I estimate my growth, I don’t ask myself if I’ve experienced enlightenment. I ask myself if I’ve emerged, if I stand forth as my truth, if I’ve shown up.
“Emergence Turns Resistance into Revolutions” at
What turns mere resistance into revolutions is emergence. What galvanizes people, brings tears to their eyes, sees the birth of resolve and the renewal of commitment is emergence. Moments of emergence define revolutions, are romanticized, and remain the stuff of memory when all else fades.
“Juiced on Emergence” at
We have the ability to call ourselves forth. We just don’t do it often. We have the ability to come out of fear, to emerge from our records, vasanas and upsets. We have the ability to consciously put our lives at risk, to walk into the face of death, or even to drink a cup of hemlock. We have the ability to give our lives for another. All of these sound impossible to do. But they’re not.
We have the ability to say to the CIA, the New World Order, the men in black: “I accuse….” We have the ability to look our tormentor in the eye and express our lack of fear.
We here are writers, are we not? We write emails, posts, tweets, letters, articles, essays. We write. It isn’t easy to pursue an enlightenment discipline as a writer. But it’s easy to emerge.
The clearest case of emergence for me occurred when I wrote an article on 9/11 in 2008 and sent it to every Member of Parliament and every Senator in my country. I remember clearly pausing before hitting the “send” button and knowing full well that I was saying goodbye to my career, inviting a life of potential threat, stepping outside the bounds of everything good that my society bestows on those who toe the line. And then, having emerged from my fear, I hit “send.”
Emergence is a well-kept secret. I’m not sure why we haven’t seen any channeled messages on it. But if you were to ask me the source of my juice, electricity or gasoline, I’d have to say emergence.
“Emergence will Only Cost Us Everything,” at
What does it mean to emerge? And must we emerge before we take on any challenge? If we don’t emerge when we set off for that ship [the Neptune], will it just be one more adventure that we were never present to anyways? Will it make a difference in our lives or just be one more luxury liner we took a trip on?
What really matters? What’s it all about? Why are we doing this anyways?
There’s a part of ourselves that you can call our exterior, our surface consciousness, our everyday mind and everyday heart that isn’t us. And in order to remain in contact with that, we think we have to compromise, accommodate and fit in.
Then there’s a part of ourselves that you can call our interior, our deeper consciousness, our non-ordinary mind and non-ordinary heart that really is us. And in order to come in contact with that, we have to give up compromise, accommodation and fitting in. We have to give up every thing, every attachment, every desire but that.
Every time we take on something out of the ordinary, stand out from the crowd, or take a step in the direction of our own freedom, truth and honor, we encounter the drag of conformity and the dead pull of the herd mentality.
We can go on this voyage of discovery and remain in our shells and not emerge. But I don’t think it will do us a stitch of good.
Let’s face it. If we’ve signed on to meet our galactic family, we have by that mere fact alone given up the chance of remaining on the surface of things and living by compromise and accommodation. The very act of stepping forward and saying we want to go was the death knell of that.
Even if you stated you wanted to go and couldn’t go, you still voted for the end of superficiality.
If the world then turned around and bit us, threatened us and abandoned us, what did we expect? A hero’s welcome? A bouquet of flowers for threatening the status quo?
We’ve become subversives of the most threatening type. Close encounters with the emergent personality, with authenticity and truth.
How much will emergence cost us? Only everything.
Welcome to your new life. Welcome to the end of comfortable conformity, to the demise of hiding, passing and getting by. Welcome to the new life where the only strength you can rely on is your own inner strength, the only truth you can bank on is the truth that will not let you sleep and be denied.