For those who have been gaining heightened extra sensory capabilities and expanded consciousness, this week’s update will be a welcoming and resonant affirmation that we are getting used to our new multidimensional software.
Angela Peregoff: Being Inspired By Self
September 3, 2012
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ” ~ Tao Te Ching
August ends more with a whimper than a bang.
Compare this fairly mellow week with the nerve shattering, cosmic blitzkrieg of late July and early August and you’ll sense you’re in “vacation” energy.
It is almost shocking to realize how the celestial councils organized that virtual tension-plagued dynamic for so many weeks in a row – first the financial markets downturn, the US crop failures and devastating wild fires, and then the slew of horrible public mass killings beginning with the midnight movie-goers in Colorado.
This week will be filled with a quiet aliveness that shifts you into revelatory vibrations.
A very powerful and exciting month is at hand as September gets ready to unlock a doorway to Higher Light as we are pushed to make the fundamental changes that support the Age of Light that is upon us. Are you up for sneaking a peek at the “forgotten ancient secrets” of your own Soul? At last settling in the center of the Inner Self and living from a state of mind that is based on “intuitive knowing” rather than the 3-D model that is based on a “belief” state of mind. Now greater-than-normal clarity comes from relying on an inner knowing.
Haven’t you found that you can automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the information resonates?
How about being able to increase your psychic abilities, your manifestation awareness, and inert wisdoms? Wouldn’t it be great to more fully appreciate the kaleidoscope of 5-D uniqueness that you are? Well September is bringing in some on-the-edge energies that will make possible all of the above. This is one of those rare months when there are very few impediments to forward progress. Don’t be surprised if brainstorms and rare insights inundate your consciousness. Keep your journal close at hand to transcribe the wisdom and key tasks that come in over the next few weeks. As a collective we are standing smack dab in the middle of a massive planetary overhaul and we’ve got to find out what we are truly capable of and then live from that space. September is going to gift all of us with what we need not to repeat our own disempowering history. You owe it to yourself and all of humanity to wake up every day and get close to your Soul.
If the days begin to feel like a roller coaster ride, slow down and focus on the importance of self-centeredness this month. Become the picture of self-kindness; eat comfort foods, spend extra time meditating, and make sure to get exercise and sleep. This extreme adventure of planetary mass rearrangement has millions awakening to their soul heritage and this month can bring in another revelatory activation within your design of form and texture.
That is as long as you can keep your mindset disconnected from fixed ideologies, media turmoil, and the collective disillusionment (hard for the US since we are programmed by corporate media to react to every whim of their creating). Just remember that when the breath of Ancient Mysteries is whooshed into our domain it is very often disguised by chaos so that only the True Master can claim their prize. Be ready friends and don’t say I didn’t tell you it was coming.
September = Sacred Sanctuary. Some of the first potent vibrations are already pulsing the Light Body and awakening a wise part of you with a remembrance that saturates your entire being with all the roles ever played and all choices of light acted on that comprehend the bigger picture that is at work beyond the senses of your conventional daily living. You need to be willing to allow this aspect of the eternal Soul self to anchor into the physical body and stabilize your multidimensional presence here.
September will have the ability to leave you dizzy from the quickness and vastness of what is occurring. Utilize conscious grounding in order that you have the instinctual wisdom to move forward as one who sees and knows their designed journey and lives life accordingly.
You are literally entering a time when your internal eyes are opening up and you are now able to see the hidden entrances to the Ascended Self. And as one’s eyes are drawn into this new world of vision nothing can keep you from being led, or rather irresistibly drawn, to your perfect place of Soul expression sitting at a higher apex of Light. So powerful is this new creational maturity that all shall Light bend to unleash a magnitude of abundance that fills every crack of your personal universe with what needs to be seen.
Also getting out her message this month will be God’s handmaiden, Virgo. Pay attention to the glow of her season for she opens the gates to celestial riches with the equinox on September 22nd . Equinoxes unlock the entrance to the ethers and multidimensional realms. Virgo encourages sincerity and attentive listening. Because of these two it’s my guess that humanity will be liberating patterns, blocks, and beliefs from the collective deeper mind in order that we adopt some new empowering principles by the end of the month.
Remember it is always a personal choice whether or not to wear this new energy so do not wait on those who still ponder and putter in their humanness. Not everyone will be ready for the rearrangement of brain waves, readjustment of thinking patterns, and disbursement of beliefs that have kept them hostage. Instead, as you move into enlightenment assist others to see the beauty of their own Light, of their life and of their choices.
There is no race to heaven’s gate, just an alignment –