(Back to Part 2)
Another way in which the cabal intended to depopulate the globe is through the use of man-made viruses and toxic vaccines, made in Fort Detrick in conjunction with Big Pharma and with the connivance of the World Health Organization and relevant regulatory agencies.
Some of these pandemics were apparently designed to be racially-specific. But, as with other plans to harm the world, the galactics have neutralized these threats as well.
SaLuSa and Matthew tell us that the Illuminati did intend to depopulate the globe.
SaluSa says: “There is truth in the claims that the dark Ones have always planned to drastically reduce the population numbers, but they have been severely set back through our actions.” (1)
And Matthew Ward adds: “Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal.” (2)
One strategy in their plan was to create and spread pandemics. Matthew tells us that “this new flu effort and other Illuminati activities” are all created “to drastically reduce the population.” (3)
Matthew confirms that the top levels of Big Pharma are an arm of the Illuminati and have been responsible for creating and spreading pandemics.
“Yes, indeed [the pharmaceutical companies’ top management] are Illuminati, and they still wield strong influence in clinical medicine, medical research and drug approval bodies—in short, they have been creating diseases by one means or another and manipulating health care systems and medications around your world.” (4)
The media play their role in this strategy. The Illuminati strategy of “ordering … laboratory-designed, created and released swine fluvirus is, as before, abetted by the controlled media’s part of the plan, to declare PANDEMIC!”
Matthew says he is puzzled that the dark did not learn from “their abject failures with SARS and then the avian flu, both of which were widely publicized with the same global pandemic prognosis; eventually the publicity was forced to cease because those diseases caused a few deaths, then totally fizzled out.” (5)
He explains, at some length, how a secondary purpose of the so-called pandemic was to distract the world’s attention from other Illuminati operations.
“Think about the timing of this latest disease publicity.
“In addition to authorizing the creation of a virus and its intended worldwide fear, the darkly-inclined individuals’ aim is to distract the attention of the populace from their growing demands for peaceful negotiations; indicting responsible ones in the US government who authorized torture; the truth about the perpetrators of `9/11′; what caused the collapse of the global economy; the decades of government cover-up about the presence of extraterrestrials; who operates the illegal drug industry; the real purpose of chemtrails and weather control; the aims of the worldwide Zionist movement; and the `black ops’ behind terrorism around your world.
“It is not enough to create a distraction for only the people of the United States simply because this is the country where much of the corruption and deception originated and where now investigations are running deep.
“No, it must be a global effort because individuals with dark intentions, who live around the world, are panicking as they see other governments’ citizens joining the clamor for truth, for peace, for renewable energy sources, for improved health care and education, for just laws and rightful recognition of women’s equality.
“All of those are anathema to dark individuals as those conditions are the opposite of all dark goals. But just as the collapse of the global economy is exposing the truth about who has been manipulating it, so will this swine-flu plan expose other evils perpetrated by the same dark ones within the Illuminati or under their control. Welcome this evidence of progress in `bringing to light’ the truth and the fast-withering tendrils of dark energy around your planet!” (6)
Back in December of 2008, Matthew explained that most pandemics since 2001 had been neutralized:
“By honoring Earth’s free will to never again experience any terrorist activity like ‘9/11,’ God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all such attempts and they have successfully done so more than a dozen times since September 11, 2001, including the neutralizing of manmade viruses that were intended to create pandemics.” (7)
The initial outbreak of swine flu killed some people, but a contributing cause of many deaths was the impact of poor living conditions, Matthew explains: “There were more deaths attributed to swine flu in parts of Mexico than elsewhere because, due to substandard living conditions, those people’s immune systems were seriously compromised; the outbreak was purposefully initiated in those areas.” (8)
Matthew says that the swine-flu vaccine has also been neutralized: “Let us relieve your concerns about mandatory swine flu vaccinations. If this mandate does come to pass, the effects will be harmless because the live virus in the vaccines has been neutralized by space family members’ technology.” (9) And on another occasion: “The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of SARS and avian flu.” (10)
In July of 2009, he assured us that, not only was the vaccine rendered harmless, but the microchips in the vaccine were as well.
“Just as in the previous flu situations, the technology of our universal family has neutralized the swine flu virus-laden vaccines and will continue to do so as long as the makers persist in their scheme. And please have no worries about programmed microchips being implanted via inoculations—if that is attempted, the programming will be erased by that same technology.” (11)
If we wish to register our dissent from the Illuminatis’ plans for the world, then the best way to do so is to refrain from taking the vaccine.
In April of 2009, Matthew assured us that the “Illuminati plan—biowarfare—not only will fail, but will be a huge breach in their remaining toehold in your world.” (12) SaLuSa predicts that we will revolt against it:
“We see a major revolt against it, and the imposition of its mandatory use will engender a great backlash from the public. Like a number of earlier flus, it is man-made, and intended to keep you in a state of panic. That you have woken up to how you are being used and abused has stalled the progress of the Illuminati plan to hold you all in their grasp.” (13)
In regards to pandemic propaganda, the Guardians, through Lisa Renee, advise us that the best thing we can do is to “stay connected to your spirit, take care of yourself and stay out of fear programs.” (14) SaLuSa also counsels us to remain unafraid in the face of these events:
“Do not be fearful regardless of what your news brings you, as currently the dark energies are directed at people through the threat of mandatory vaccinations. There is always something on the agenda of the dark Ones, who still stare defeat in the face but have no humility to admit it.” (15)
Matthew says that our lack of fear is the proof that the Illuminati’s plan did not work.
“Yes, there is some fear…, but not nearly in the proportion the Illuminati intended and expected. Quite the opposite—this is a setback of major proportion for them! “
“Peoples’ reactions show their expanding consciousness, and this is likely to cause widespread outrage that will not be confined to the deliberate attempt to infect millions and cause global panic.” (16)
(1) SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009 at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(2) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008 at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(3) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.
(4) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.
(5) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.
(8) Matthew’s Messages, May 26, 2009.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.
(11) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.
(12) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.
(13) SaLuSa of Sirius, Sept. 9, 2009
(14) Lisa Renee, “Rebirth,” May 2009, Energetic Synthesis, at https://www.energeticsynthesis.com.
(15) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2009, ibid.
(16) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.