I awoke this morning having planned out during my sleep the creation of a think tank/discussion group called “Indigo 2012.” I have no idea where I’m going to get the time to do all this, but I knew for a certainty that the think tank/discussion group was meant to be.
The Indigo 2012 space is intended to be a place where the most forward and developed thinkers can hold forth and try out new ideas. I expect that it will far surpass my own ability to understand or even comment on and it’s designed to be exactly that kind of space.
Oftentimes we say, Oh, gosh, this space has guidelines or groundrules and, heck, they’re too hard on people. If a space is to be created in which advanced thinkers feel safe to let their hair down, it will have to be guarded from those who would ridicule free thinking from people who are almost guaranteed to be saying things ahead of their time.
It may also attract the professional hecklers that the cabal or elite sends to prevent the development of things like free energy, space transportation, time travel, non-toxic vaccines, safe foods, universal medicare arrangements, and everything else that the cabal has worked so hard to defeat.
So this space will definitely not be for everybody and is not intended to be so. No sense coming along and complaining. This place is intended to stretch people into some pretty unusual shapes and sizes. But it’s a place that needs to exist if we’re going to begin stretching ourselves to meet the galactic and spirit beings who will want us to be prepared for their information and technologies.
There will be some among readers who will be excited and some for whom it will make zero difference in their lives. It’s OK to be in either camp or any in between. But, wherever you find yourself, and whether you consider it a place for snobs or the effete or people who speak in long sentences, I hope that you recognize that its’ designed to do serious, sacred, and helpful work.
That having been said, the gates have been thrown open to Indigo 2012, a think tank.
And, hey, when are you going to start your own discussion group? Still reading this article? OK, I hear that you didn’t like the idea of starting a community blog. I got it. Well, what about a discussion group?
Indigo 2012. A Think Tank.
Indigo2012 is a think tank for scientists, innovators, public leaders, political thinkers, economic theorists, and social activists. It recognizes the social, spiritual, and physical transformation that is expected to take place on or before Dec. 21, 2012 and attempts to meet and prepare for that shift by considering and addressing the expected needs of the inhabitants of Planet Earth.
The members of Indigo2012 accept the reality of the planetary transformational shift expected to occur on or before 2012, the existence of other galactic civilizations around the planet in mostly-cloaked shifts, here to assist with the events of 2012, and the existence of a spiritual hierarchy in charge of Earth’s evolution guiding events. They accept the existence of other dimensions and universes. They accept the fact that most existing paradigms of science, religion, and other fields will in all likelihood be overtaken in the years ahead and agree not to be disrepectful to members discussing these events, their significance, or their corollaries.
Email Address:
Site Address:
Mission Statement:
Indigo2012 is a place where forward thinkers and dreamers can come and envision the new planetary society and workings expected to materialize on the planet on or before Dec. 21, 2012. It is meant as a welcoming place for unbounded theorizing and brainstorming on what can be expected to arise on the planet and what is needed to assist that new society to emerge, express itself, and operate.
The discussion group is designed to allow theoretical, social, economic, and political brainstorming and theorizing as well as concrete discussions of techniques and technology. It is expected to be both blue sky and practical. It is also expected to overtake, surpass, and transcend current paradigms in all fields. So it is wise, if one is a scientist or theorist who prefers to remain with current paradigms, not to seek comfort from or join this circle of opinion.
Because we continue to encounter individuals whose enjoyment comes from disturbing and wrecking new enterprises such as this, Indigo will have groundrules and moderators to keep the space safe and moving forward. Members who seek to disturb the group will be removed, especially since our aim is to introduce and discuss what to some may seem far-fetched (without of course seeking to encourage the silly or ridiculous). The approach of Indigo will be hardcore permission-giving and strenuous but imaginative thinking will be encouraged. You are welcome to join the moderating team.