Well, I’m going to speculate a bit on what I think is happening. Being considered nutcases and whackjobs has an upside: it provides a certain degree of protective coloration and allows one to speculate freely, don’t you think?
If no one takes us seriously, we have wider latitude of expression. After all, who will read such wild-eyed speculation as this? Only the committed.
Freedom’s ferment initially toppled two North-African dictatorships (Tunisia and Egypt), raising our hopes that we were witnessing the birth of democracy around the world. It then met with initial successes in a third dictatorship (Libya), which were then reversed as the dictatorship rolled back one victory after another.
Our hearts were engaged as Ghaddafi stood before the one remaining city in the hands of the rebels. Not only were they engaged, but a change came over the rebels as well. Up to this point, they had maintained an ambivalent attitude towards assistance from the outside world. They wanted to do it themselves but they wouldn’t mind if we instituted limited measures like a no-fly zone.
By the time Ghaddafi figuratively stood at the gates of Benghazi and said that he would mow down opposition, the rebels were much more open to international assistance. Now having said that, I don’t blame them for being wary. How often has international assistance led to international occupation?
At the same time, another Arab despotic regime in Bahrain appealed to yet a third despotic regime to send troops to quell its popular revolt. And we watched the Saudis, who have for decades been purchasing armaments, now using thwm against not perhaps their own people but the people of a neighboring country at one despot’s request to another. The writing was on the wall for all the world to see: the despots would, if allowed, band together to bolster their tottering regimes.
And the international community, seeing the tide of events, at last broke through the traditional “hands off” attitude towards the modern nation state and established the Benghazi doctrine – that the international community could intervene broadly to save a population from its own national government if that government intended to murder them.
The nation state, which had been allowed to devolve into a collection of dictatorships around the world, with democracies whose constitutional rights had been whittled away through the judicious application of false-flag operations and the subsequent growth of the national-security apparatus, at last began its long march back into the circle of freedom.
Meanwhile, around the world, the American-based cabal, had been opposing freedom’s ferment, in my view, by the strategic application of weather warfare in its own territory in the form of severe weather almost paralyzing at times movement in areas in which workers had been mobilizing and by causing rumblings in places like the New Madrid fault lines, generating fear among the populace.
It had also been causing fear and destruction in countries such as Australia, in which massive flooding was caused, and New Zealand, which was struck by a devastating earthquake. It now launched its worst attack ever on Japan.
It had attacked Japan with weather warfare in 2007 at Nigata, in retaliation for Japan opposing its financial warfare. (1) Now it attacked Japan again for that reason and also for Japan’s insolence in developing water cars and other instances of technologies which would reduce reliance on oil. The military-industrial complex struck hopefully for the last time.
According to Matthew Ward, its attack was designed to utterly sink the island of Japan but was mitigated by off-planet technology and restricted to a discrete area of Japan. (2) It included the wrecking of nuclear power plants with a possible massive release of radioactivity which our space family, I think, has also mitigated. But the destruction of the nuclear power plants has focused our attention on the dangers of the use of nuclear technology to produce power.
While many rumors float of increased sightings of galactics, few videos have surfaced, this though in the past the spaceships have never been out of range of available video cameras when they wanted to be. Suddenly though we have an incredible wealth of videos of the earthquake itself and the tsunami, we have few of galactic activity, which is said to be visually observed and present, but photographically missing.
Now keep in mind that SaLuSa said “expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (3) I know, I know. How many times have we heard that? But so what if it’s somewhat later.
And then we have SaLuSa’s crytpic message of today (4) in which he says, when the elements of his message are sorted out, that the galactics are not giving us complete information but will do so when they arrive after disclosure, “when we shall spend much time quickly acquainting you with all that is to follow.” And all that has happened as well, we might infer.
He underlines the vast damage of the quake, the possibility of aftershocks, and confirms that the truth must come out.
He hints that man does not wake up until a disaster occurs. (Wake up to what? Again we are left to infer.) But a disaster can be a stepping stone to a new approach. (Might that disaster be an engineered quake and might that new approach be disclosure?) As such, the quake might be looked upon as having a beneficial outcome. (Yes, indeed if sadly.)
He then reminds us that “we monitor all major events on Earth.” So the galactics must know that the quake was engineered, if it was. How could they “monitor all major events on Earth” and not know?
He continues to weave his subtext in among an innoccuous discussion of free energy, but is he really discussing free energy or using that discussion to hide his deeper meaning? He confides to us that “we cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves” and reminds us that “we must only re-act to requests from you rather than be seen to ‘interfere’.” So he explains why the galactics are holding back.
He tells us that “we would love to deal with all of your problems, but there are lessons to be learnt that mean there is a proper time for us to show up.” He states equally cryptically: “At least you have been made aware of what lies ahead” and adds another reminder to get moving: that “with your input all will proceed as planned.” Well, we know what those plans are.
He then implies that the galactics know the earthquake and tsunami were engineered events when he says: “
“Do not feel downhearted if for a time the dark Ones are able to resist change as it will only be a temporary hold up. The higher energies planted upon the Earth are so powerful that they will transmute the lesser energies. That will take away any possibility that the dark Ones had of making more mischief [more mischief?] and soon they will be stripped of their power, and we can start our many projects to lift up Earth and the people upon it.”
That may be as close as the galactics are willing to come to stating flat out that the dark created the Japanese catastrophe and that disclosure is soon forthcoming (I hope! Not like I know).
He tells us that our misery will be reversed: “Then the suffering upon Earth will be dealt with quite quickly, and a happy civilization will emerge.”
Meanwhile he quiets our fears around radioactivity:
“As far as we are allowed are always looking for ways of lessening the impact upon you. Over a long period of time we have substantially reduced radiation levels, which have inevitably followed the testing of nuclear weapons. Without such help you would by now have been a nation of very sick people, and as you know the effects continue from one generation to another.
“If and when the decision is made to stop using nuclear power, we will help remove the dangerous plant and prevent it from posing a threat to you.”
So we are given the reassurances the world wanted and needed.
Of course, I am only speculating. And what do I know? Nothing is as it seems and everything that seems is not as it is.
In 2009, SaLuSa told us what to expect of these times.
“What has taken centuries to bring you to your present position cannot be undone overnight, but with the right moves an entirely new approach can be introduced. We know that many of you need to see some evidence of them, and if you carefully note the implications of what is happening now you may see some encouraging signs.
“Many channels have told you right from the outset what was going to happen, and it only requires a little more patience to see that Humanity is being guided into a new direction.” (5)
And again in 2010 he said:
“We naturally wish the end times were in full flow, but that will come before much longer. You will have some signs of it that will give you an idea of its nearness, and although the media are still controlled, your Internet will be a source of interesting speculation. Be intuitive and you will be able to pick out the reliable and truthful reports.” (6)
Picking out the signs of what is happening behind the scenes does indeed require us to be “intuitive.” But I think the signs are there. At this crucial time, disasters are happening. A la Project Blue Beam, the cabal could easily try to assign these disasters to marauding aliens, as in Battle: Los Angeles or Independence Day.
I therefore think the galactics are carefully playing their cards and remaining just behind the scenes as the dark play out its last hand, as destructive as it has been.
(1) See Ben Fulford’s video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB6YJVc5OiA
(2) Matthew’s Mesaage, March 12, 2011, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 29, 2010, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(4) SaLusa, March 18, 2011.
(5) SaLuSa, June 29, 2009.
(5) SaLuSa, July 12, 2010.