I’d like to run Hilarion’s recent message (March 5-13, 2011, https://www.therainbowscribe.com) by us again and invite us to listen to it newly and with the kind of attention that we’d give to a TV news announcement. I think what he’s saying is important and helpful and I know that I, in any case, did not give it adequate attention the first time I read it. I realized that I give better attention to the news on TV than I did to Hilarion.
When I went back and read it a second time, I could see that it was very helpful to assist us to orient to this time. I’m going to render the first part of the message like a weather report and the second part like a piece of spiritual advice from a teacher on TV. I’ve changed a few words in order to allow me to take each thought and render it as a separate sentence.
Now a word on the rising spiritual energies on the planet. Never mind global warming. Never mind HAARP. Never mind anything else you read about the weather on this planet. The rising energies are the single biggest “weather” story, promising the single biggest impact on us in the run-up to Ascension. So I will be stressing more and more in coming months what is happening with the energies on the planet.
So, first let’s listen to Hilarion as if he’s giving us a spiritual weather report on rising energies.
There will be a greater influx of Cosmic energies flowing and spiraling down into the atmosphere of the Earth in the coming week or two. [A coronal mass ejection just occurred on March 3, 2011 and reached us on March 6.]
As these energies begin to assimilate within the auric fields of Humanity, there will be a period of adjustment to these higher frequencies.
This will take many forms in outer expression in the coming months as these energies begin to create changes in perception, attitudes and thoughts.
Many limiting concepts will simply fall away as though they never existed.
Much will begin to change in the way Humanity interacts with each other.
There will be a greater harmony and cooperation between all peoples as the Earth moves into a greater vibratory rate.
The weathermen on your news channels will be hard put to accurately predict tomorrow’s weather as the elements adjust to the new waves of Light coming in.
All is in a state of flux and change is the only constant that can be relied upon.
And thank you, Hilarion, our cosmic weatherman. We now turn to Hilarion, our spiritual adviser, who will continue by counseling us on how to to respond appropriately to the cosmic weather pattern of rising energies and emotions. Hilarion.
It is very important for you to stay centered within your heart space as you go about your daily existence and that you practice kindness and much patience with those around you.
People will be feeling the irritation of their nervous system trying to adjust and balance as these energies flow into their physical bodies.
Remember that you have all been there and done that.
You have all had the benefit of these and other messages to steer you in the right direction.
Most of those who are now being affected do not have the understanding of what is occurring.
The best way to help in these times is to consistently and persistently stay in the higher frequencies.
Try to maintain calm and equilibrium in all your thoughts, words, actions and deeds.
In these times a simple smile will go a long way to raising the energies in the people around you.
You are now the Emissaries of Light, the Patternmakers and role models to the people around you.
It is important to stay in your highest integrity as much as possible, given the fact that each of you is still in the end process of this cleansing also.
Rest as much as possible.
Keep your bodies hydrated by drinking pure, clean water.
Keep intending each day to be in the highest Christ consciousness that is available on the Planet at this time.
Daily affirm your sovereignty to remind yourselves why you are here, which is to raise the frequency and consciousness of Humanity to Ascension levels.
This is an ongoing task but you have all become much more proficient at this task.
However, there is one area that you need to become more aware of.
That is the need to practice shielding of your auric fields from the thoughts and energy fluctuations of others.
Just ask your Guides and Angels each morning to protect your entire energetic field.
Keep it clear from the energies of others.
Many times, you are suffering because you have unknowingly picked up someone else’s worries, anxieties and concerns.
This can hold you back from living your lives with the greater ease, joy and happiness that you deserve and intend.
Take comfort in the knowledge that at some point in the raising of your frequency work, you will achieve a state of Being where your energy field cannot be infringed by others, knowingly or unknowingly.
This will come as you begin to manifest as a fully realized Divine Human.
Know that we are always with you and await your calls.
You are loved beyond measure by your Family of Light.
Now that is the complete weather report and spiritual counsel from Hilarion.
Now what we need to do is to mull over and assimilate what he’s said and live life according to it. We have to actually act on what Hilarion says and not simply read his message once and forget it.