This is the second of three letters on the controversy surrounding SaLuSa’s Nov. 19 message. The discussion is very interesting and educational. You may not agree with everything that’s said. But hearing the range of lightworker opinion gives a good picture of where we are all coming from with matters.
Everyone speaking is working towards Ascension and all three have committed themselves to serving the light. I don’t ask you to agree with everything that’s said. Just to hear them.
Jean Hudon publishes a periodical compendium on contemporary lightworker issues. His was the first emailed compendium I connected with after hearing about 2012 from Len in 2007. If you want to receive his mailings, his URL is:
Dear Russ [Michael],
Thanks for sharing with me these latest reactions to SaLuSa/Mike’s “endorsement” of Colleen Thomas. I’d like to pitch in some thoughts on this matter
I was also a bit puzzled that such an outright support would be offered to such a hot rod personality as Colleen and wanted to find out a bit more about her last night. So I did what I love to do: I did some web researches and found out much more on her (which you can review for yourself through Colleen Thomas’ profile, Pleadian Shipmates, Wild Colleen Has Got Her Irish Up!, Stranger Than Fiction: The Alien Connection To The Story Of Creation And Our Slave Plane, and and what I gather is that the picture is a bit muddled about Colleen.
She is who she is, let’s say, because of where she comes from in this lifetime as a human being but also because of the soul she is, which is a Pleiaidan if we are indeed to believe her assertions. When one listens to her videos and reads her material online, it is clear her human personality – being fairly new in the “Lightworker business”, her personal illumination having taken place last February 14 on Valentine Day – still have LOTS of dross-like personal issues to work through. For one, her apparent involvement with the Tea Party in the US – which is vehemently opposed, brainwashed as they are, to anything connected with Obama – and perhaps her lack of access to alternative points of view about Obama’s soul’s background would easily explain [why] she has her current views about him.
And it would be fair to say that if one is to look solely from the outside at what his administration has achieved so far that would be in line with all the hopes that have been placed [onto] him (and here I would refer you, Russ, to the considerable volume of reliable information I keep networking in my compilations which you receive – all available through – all of which chronicles the fact that very little has changed in the US stance militarily – the Pentagon budget keeps growing, the worldwide network of US military bases doesn’t dwindle down, two costly overt military engagements continue (Iraq, Afghanistan) along with several covert ones – CIA-led Predator bombing of Taliban strongholds in Pakistan with at least 700 innocent civilian deaths caught in the crossfire so far this year and the same thing with lower casualty count so far in Yemen, all of which is directly vetted by the White House, and all of this despite the abysmal US budget deficit; the creeping fascist policies in the US homeland.
Did you have a chance to read, Russ, any of the TSA-airport sexual abuse going on in my recent update and compilation, all of which is fully supported by Obama’s White House? – and I could keep going for hours – did I mention his unrelenting unconditional support for the Zionist-controlled Israel? – , so long is the litany of things that are incontrovertibly wrong under Obama’s administration), and therefore anyone in Colleen’s position and with her temperamental outspoken bent would make such derogatory remarks about Obama. I have personally often expressed serious concerns in my compilations about the apparent lack of tangible progress or the decidedly “uncool” aspects of Obama’s policies such as those listed below by Ralph Nader…
Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama (August 10, 2009)
The American empire has not altered under Barack Obama. It kills as brutally and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under George W. Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury to enrich the corporate elite as rapaciously. It will not give us universal health care, abolish the Bush secrecy laws, end torture or “extraordinary rendition,” restore habeas corpus or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of citizens. It will not push through significant environmental reform, regulate Wall Street or end our relationship with private contractors that provide mercenary armies to fight our imperial wars and produce useless and costly weapons systems. The sad reality is that all the well-meaning groups and individuals who challenge our permanent war economy and the doctrine of pre-emptive war, who care about sustainable energy, fight for civil liberties and want corporate malfeasance to end, were once again suckered by the Democratic Party. CLIP
Of course, we can understand that from the moment Barack Obama entered the race to become the next US president, he had to accept dancing a very tight pas de deux with the Devil himself, accept to be trained and groomed by the Bilderberg Cabal and vetted by them for the US presidency when he almost secretly met them with Hillary in June 2008 in Northern Virginia (See Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous).
We want to believe – or ‘know’ – that he had to surround himself with Zionist operatives and advisers when he formed his first cabinet (see Change? Obama Inner Circle Filled With Bilderbergers) to reassure the Cabal that he was going to do their bidding, while using his podium and position to steer some positive reforms (like health care), reorienting some of the US policies towards less bellicosity, adopting a more conciliatory tone in international politics and forums, in short slowly and prudently implementing the changes his candidacy epitomized.
And we understand that given the deep dark control exerted by the global shadow government over much of the US political system and politicians, not to mention the deep corruption that is rampant, almost by design, in every aspect of US politics, that probably no one could have done better than him so far.
But please let us not kid ourselves in thinking that he can, alone, change for the better a country so deeply entrenched in and burdened by many atrocities similar to those committed by the Nazis (a cliché, of course) – think about Fallujah’s abject atrocities, the depleted uranium worldwide and eternal pollution of the planet, and the millions of people whose violent death can be directly attributed to US military policies since the end of World War 2…
Expectations that any savior can achieve alone, without our personal involvement, the world of our dreams is pure nonsense, and somehow encouraging people to maintain a waiting stance in that regard through not directly and repeatedly encouraging them to take a stand, even at their own peril, in direct support of the better, saner, more spiritual world we hope for is not really helpful and could be seen in some way to contribute to the status quo, or worse, to indirectly encourage people to remain uninvolved “because others will take care of everything”. This physical realm is not a spectator sport. We came here to test our true mettle in the fire of such formidable challenges as the ones we face and we ought to be engaged, one way or another, in the travails that are now leading to a brighter future for all.
So even if some of Colleen’s statements are misguided or reflective of a lack of perspective, at least she is taking a courageous stand and has the balls to say what she stated in a TV report. In the context of the many shades of extremism observed in the US today, I prefer at this point in time to see a firebrand like her being supported as SaLuSa did instead of a thousand silent dreamers and hope-filled Light workers who just watch passively what’s happening to their freedoms without daring – yet! – to be more outspoken about what their truly believe in.
Remember, it is only because most people prefer to remain silent and passive that the dark cabalists have been able to have their way and impose their will. Of course, I’m not suggesting that we need to take up arms to defend our views. That is the LAST thing we should do.
We can express ourselves, positively, constructively and even with a fiery passion through every available medium – and there are plenty today with the Internet! – to stoke the desires for change that everyone now feels. We can initiate all kinds of local projects in line with greater environmental sustainability, social justice and peace on Earth. We can also go the route of subtle activism as I’ve been directed/inspired to do for nearly 30 years now, through harnessing the astounding power of collective meditations on Light and Love enhancing themes and thought-forms so as to empower from within, as living instruments of the Will of Creator Source, the changes now underway, and be actively involved in any way we can to build with millions of other souls the Golden Era of Light, Love and harmony we came here to cocreate.
And obviously, we also continue to need to hear from souls at higher stations, as Matthew would say, the unique and informed perspective that can be derived from those sources. But as we all know, there is only so much they can do. The name of the universal game is Free Will for All. So they – including all benevolent out-of-this-world, out-of-this-dimension sources of assistance – have to be careful NOT to infringe upon our own free will.
Help yourself and Heaven will help you… as we all know… The universe if offering us a mighty helping hand… Shall me take it and climb back from this morass back to Source? I think we all know the answer and are now just so deeply enmeshed into this experience to fully make the shift into the full day Light of a bright future after way too long in the dark shadows of ignorance and/or rebellion. The next 2 years are going to be VERY interesting in this regard… but NOT as mere by-standers but as fully engaged winners, deeply assured of our ultimate victory.
In the Light of Source
Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
and Focus Group Facilitator
Final caveat: By making this statement above about Colleen Thomas, I do not mean to convey that I fully concur with everything she has expressed so far – which is a LOT! Relying on one’s own intuitive discernment as to what resonates as true or fairly close to the truth and what is mere informational miasma, reflective of a not yet finely tuned delivery of intuitive insights, has to be the only final personal benchmark for assessing her views. Trust your own feelings, in short, and take only what feels right for you at this point.
PS I’ve included my whole letter above right after the 19th November 2010 message from SaLuSa in the forthcoming Meditation Focus along with the following introductory statement
Special comment from Jean: Usually I do not make personal statements in the context of these Meditation Focuses, but because the endorsement above of Colleen Thomas’ statements by Mike Quincey/SaLuSa has stirred some heated reactions on the part of some people, I’ve decided to include below the elements of perspective I’ve offered in response to the criticism and words of caution that have been expressed on this matter.