When SaLuSa says that eventually we’ll find ourselves in a formless body of light, he’s discussing the process of spiritual evolution, which is the Divine Plan for life.
Here’s a summary of that Plan as I saw it in my vision experience. In a nutshell, we evolve through higher and higher forms on a journey from God to God for the purpose of God meeting God, eventually.
Please note that the distinction between “Father” and “Mother” is metaphorical and differentiates movement (Mother) from rest (Father), sound from silence, form from formlessness.
Last revised: 8 May 2009
1. Every man, woman, and child on this planet is God. Every man, woman, and child lives forever, through countless physical lives.
2. The purpose of life is enlightenment. The purpose of life is that God should meet God and, in that meeting, taste His (Her, Its) own bliss. For that purpose was all of life made.
3. All of us have journeyed out from God, by His command, and will be liberated from the cycle of physical birth and death the moment we know that everything in this world, including us, is God. Hindu sages call this level of enlightenment vijnana (perfect wisdom) and sahaja (or permanent) nirvikalpa samadhi (quietude of the mind).
4. The Father created the domain of the Mother (mater, matter) as the setting for our spiritual journey and education. We wander in this material realm lifetime after lifetime, constantly learning.
5. The Father made the material domain lawful. The most important law for us to know is the law of karma, which requires that what we do unto others shall be done unto us.
6. The form of our total journey is a sacred arc, like Jacob’s Ladder, away from and back to God. But, day by day, we also follow a spiritual spiral, returning to the same karmic lessons repeatedly until we learn them.
7. From one day to the next, we may expand or contract, but all the while we are cosmically drawn back to Him by a sub-sensible, eternal longing, planted there by Him, for Him: a longing for liberation (for more on this, see “The Longing for Liberation”.)
8. In the cosmic Drama, there are three Actors we must realize: God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Child. These are the Transcendental, the Phenomenal, and the Transcendental in the Phenomenal. Christians call them (note the change in order) the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hindus call them Brahman, Atman, and Shakti. The Formless became two Forms. The Formless made trillions of forms through the agency of the Two and then mysteriously entered them. We are required to know the Trinity.
9. Everyone will reach Him – some in the morning; some in the afternoon; and some in the evening. Experiences will vary, but all will eventually know God.
10. Every genuine path will work. God plays all roles and observes all actions. He has become many; next to Him, there is none.
11. In His love, He is universal, impartial, and supreme. What He wills must happen. He decreed this Drama for His own Pleasure. Each time someone knows its Self — “Oh Thou I!” — God meets God!