This is interesting. The Admiral has passed along a second video, called “Inside Job.” It’s the trailer to a new documentary coming out.
Granted that Michael Moore has been doing this for years, this is the first example apart from Moore that I can think of that burrows so deeply into a controversial issue and does it so soon after an event.
There may be retrospectives done, say, a decade later, but not something done less than two years later, at least not many that I can recall. Usually we need a decade or so to wake up to what just happened.
It’s also an example of whistleblowing being done by film, which is again a trend-setter. Whistleblowing being done by email or article, yes, but through a full-blown film? Haven’t seen that very much that I can remember.
This one looks at who was behind the financial crash of 2008 and pulls very few punches. Again, I hope this is part of what our sources call the “accountability” process. Thanks, Admiral.