Good point from MUFON’s William McNeff on the distinction between proof and evidence re: UFOs.
UFO Proof and Evidence
Filer’s Files
July 21, 2010
William McNeff writes, ” I see some confusion between the terms “proof” and “evidence”. We — MUFON and the entire UFO research community — have evidence in the form of hundreds of thousands of witness reports of unconventional flying objects, and over 3,000 physical trace cases (see Ted Phillips data Delphos Kansas 1971 landing Ring).
A mathematician pointed out that when you have tens of thousands of observations of unconventional objects that fit the same general descriptions — disks, cigars, etc., and which exhibit unusual characteristics such as hovering, then suddenly accelerating at speeds greater than earthly craft, the probability that a real, unusual phenomenon does not exist is vanishingly small.
IMHO, the evidence that the UFO research community could provide should convince any jury of intelligent people that many UFOs are most probably extraterrestrial craft. The term “extraterrestrial” can and should encompass the terms “inter-dimensional”, “space/time travelers”, and anything else from other than our earthly space/time realm. MUFON has said as much in the past.”
Above is a brief summary of the evidence. While scientists look for proof; they like to have pieces of the “thing” under discussion, or experiments that have the same result every time. However, they will settle for “evidence”; no one has brought back a piece of a “black hole”, or run an experiment on one, yet the vast majority accepts their existence. Meanwhile, the UFO research community has pieces of material evidence, 3000+ of them! People, and governments, take action based on evidence, sometimes unfortunately very weak. We have strong evidence, and should make the most of it. ”
Thanks to William I. McNeff, MUFON Minnesota ASD