I’ve debated and debated whether I would post this rather remarkable and ironic photo of a British Petroleum station and something keeps nagging me that I must.
It’s a given of day-to-day life that we are responsible for our spills and should clean up after ourselves.
Surely it’s a measure of how much has gone wrong that BP, and Haliburton, and the rig owner will not accept responsibility for theirs.
I know. I know. BP and Haliburton are bulwarks of the New World Order, mainstays of predatory capitalism, part of the plan for world domination, etc.
BUT surely, at some level, someone, somewhere in the corporation — speaking as human beings awakening to basic values — must see just how ludicrous it appears to the world that they deny responsibility for their spill.
And surely, at some level, someone, somewhere in the corporation yearns to do the right thing and take responsibility for it, even if the company goes bust in the process.
The whole scenario is just so elementary that I cannot think of a situation more likely to open people’s eyes about what is off in modern corporations such as these and the system of finance they give rise to.
BP, and you employees of it who are conscious of being citizens of the world, please, take responsibility for your spill and clean up after yourself.