I would say that this video of Ben Fulford’s, an interview he gave Jeff Rense, may be the best talk he has given in my memory.
Double-click on the video to go to Youtube to listen to the other three parts in this series.
Ben discusses what Matthew Ward calls NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act), Zeitgeist Addendum calls the “wisdom economy,” and SaLuSa calls the “abundance program.”
Ben details the diminishing power and increasing discomfiture of the Bush/Clinton cabal.
He describes at length the underhanded financial tricks of the American cabal, the stages in the bankruptcy of the United States and the desperate moves that were then being made to try unsuccessfully keep the American cabal afloat.
He also gives what sounds like a fairly comprehensive history of the cabal going back to the days of the Hyksos, and up through King Solomon. In the course of it, he accounts for the Knights Templars, the European royal families, the Rothschilds, the Thule Society, the Skull and Bones Society, the Bilderbergers and the current pivotal role and power of Japan and China.
He weaves in the story of the Japanese threat to the Chinese gold reserves after the invasion of Manchuria and the arrangements the Chinese made with the American Federal Reserve, which became a factor in the staging of 9/11. (Building 7 housed gold reserves which were earmarked for paying back the Chinese – until they miraculously disappeared with the collapse of Building 7!)
General MacArthur, the movement and hiding of gold, stashes in the Philippines and the mountains of China, assassinations of Roosevelt, Kennedy, Marcos, and Sukharno – everything is in here.
He states that Chris Story writes for the Queen, which I’ve long suspected.
Ben suggests that HIV was created at Fort Dietrich from strains of monkey diseases and was designed to wipe out the population of Africa, which has been a goal of the cabal since the 1950s. These are amazing and shocking allegations.
He says that the powers that be in China and Japan do not want “these sick killers who have been running the world” in power any more. According to Ben, their downfall is imminent.
Now here’s the only kicker. If this interview was given this May, I would say it was entirely germaine and a propos. However, it wasn’t given this May; it was given last May (2009).
If you listen to the interview that Ben gives this May, we hear a tired Ben Fulford, an even more tired Jeff Rense, and an endless recycling of the same details which, it would appear, Ben has been saying will happen “soon” for some time now. He still says they will happen soon. Oh, my golly, we’ve been in this situation before! (Predictions that do not come true, the La Brea tar pit, the boneyard for lightworkers.)
The American cabal were on their last legs then. How could they have survived another year? I don’t have the answer. And the prospect is not confidence-building. I’m sure Ben is as greatly fazed as I am at how sturdy the cabal has proven to be.
Ben then he goes on to state that the release of the prosperity funds will furnish each American with $1 million. That’s not to say that each American will be furnished with $1 million. Ben turns out to be one source of the rumor that everyone will be receiving such a sum. (I know Tara and Rama Berkowitz were another source – their figure was $10 million.)
Matthew denies that this is the way abundance will materialize.
I realize we’re not talking about the post-2012 period, but the period between now and 2012. What will happen then I haven’t seen Matthew comment on. It would not make sense however to say that we will not receive $1 million if we are to receive that sum prior to the Golden Age. It would seem understood that Matthew means we are not to receive $1 million (period).
While we’re on the subject, SaLuSa says that ET/UFO disclosure will precede NESARA.
Well, at least SaLuSa stays away from the “soon” word.
Even if Ben has not proven exactly stellar in his predictions, I have to say that I have seldom heard the NESARA story told in one complete narrative (with the exception of a long recent article that I have not as yet published).
There have been messages from St. Germain that tell parts of the ancient and medieval history and Sheldan also gives some parts of the story. But Ben’s version, even if its future predictions have not panned out, remains an excellent introduction to the subject.
(1) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.