Before looking at SaLuSa’s May 12th message, I’d like to mention that Suzy Ward has said in an email that Matthew will discuss the recent Deep Horizon oil spill in his upcoming message, expected soon.
SaLuSa seems to refer to it in the following passage. SaLuSa appears to say that humanity has to experience the results of its own greed and its failure to protect the environment.
“The call for us to arrive is growing stronger as each day passes, as the threats to your environment pose great problems for your future. However, Man sometimes has to experience firsthand the result of his greed and disregard for it, before he wakes up to the extent of the damage he is causing.
“This is exactly what living in duality is about, and the experience helps you move into a new level of understanding of the Oneness of all life, and its dependence on each other.” (1)
The ETs promise to step in and correct the damage:
“Have no fear, Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with, and they are destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been caused. Much of it can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years.”
SaLuSa predicts changes of government in the near future, bringing leaders with integrity to power:
“As you can see when you look around you, there are worldwide changes going on, and those leaders that have failed to serve their countrymen are being removed.”
Gordon Brown served in the British cabinet that declared war on Iraq and engineered the false flag London bombings. Now he is gone. SaLuSa advises us that:
“These interim measures are helping us, and make far-reaching governmental changes much more easy. The object is to legally remove those who have not served in accordance with their oaths, and replace them with souls who we know are honest and spiritually motivated.
“With the co-operation that is assured with new people at your helm, we can speedily address the many pressing issues that further threaten your stability.”
He predicts rapid change.
“You have entered physical life time and time again, and now you have by your efforts reached the end of the road. It is all to change quickly and move you into the higher dimensions, and Ascension is your pathway.”
He tells us that we can relax and await these changes with confidence.
“You no longer need to put too much energy into your day-to-day activities, and instead live for the golden future that awaits you. The more of you that hold your visualization of what it means to you, the quicker you will bring it into your lives.
“Allow the old ways to quietly leave, and know that everything required to lift you up is in the process of manifesting. It is a massive joint effort supported by our allies, who do in fact play very important roles at this time. They have been laying the groundwork for our coming, and already it is paying dividends.”
According to SaLuSa, we’ve outgrown our present system:
A time comes to all developing civilizations when they outgrow the old system. It begins when a reasonable percentage of you have woken up, and are seeking the pathway to the Lighted realms. What you strongly desire and focus upon comes to you, and in this particular time it has the power of the Higher Beings behind it.”
He confirms that our emancipation from the dark is near.
“We are pleased that you can see around you tangible signs of changes that are going to be welcomed. After years of expectations with regard to abundance and your release from the controls imposed upon you, freedom is around the corner.”
His picture of what awaits us is glowing.
“Out of it all you will benefit as never before. Literally everything that you could ever have wished for will be yours. It is not with reference to acquiring material gain, although you will have all that is necessary for a happy and harmonious life. It is your spiritual perception, and ability to create love and balance wherever you go and with whom ever you meet.
“Living in harmony with all life is a high level of consciousness, and shows that you have achieved a state of Unconditional Love. That, Dear Ones, is your goal, and you will get there and merge with your Higher Self.”
(1) All passages are from SaLuSa, May 12, 2010, at