While I publish selected articles on reports of increasing warmongering, I do so to follow the machinations of the dark cabal only.
I don’t myself believe that anything like a world war will break out. In this I’m persuaded by such sources as Matthew Ward and SaLuSa. I’ve already written about this subject elsewhere. (1)
Now, however, David Wilcock has come out with a discussion of how efforts to start a world war or incidents that could have harmed the Earth have been prevented by what he calls sixth and seventh density beings – or “management.”
In more usual terms, planetary management has been said to be left up to ascended masters and angels. I’m not certain whether Wilcock means these beings through his use of the terms “sixth” and “seventh-density beings.”
by David Wilcock
The biggest decisions for a given planet — such as, for example, whether to allow a teacher like Jesus to perform his mission, knowing full well the massive ramifications of such an action, worldwide, both positive and negative, based on the probable future timelines that can be seen — are made by seventh-density beings, who act as teachers and advisors for sixth density.
5D and 4D beings, in turn, honor and accept the guidance and terms passed down from the sixth-density Management folks. …
Let’s look again at the basic ‘job description’ for sixth density:
The management and transfer of planetary populations.
There is a lot more depth within that little phrase than we may realize if we don’t take the necessary time to meditate on it, crack the shell, and extract the sweet nectar of its meaning. The ‘Management’ beings like Ra are conducting at this time involves the construction and maintenance of a very precisely-balanced ‘illusion’ on this planet — for the purposes of our own spiritual growth.
The amount of work that goes into maintaining this illusion is completely staggering to the rational mind. It can be explained, but is almost impossible to understand within the limited bandwidth of the human mind, body and spirit. Each of us, to varying degrees, are being managed in ways we may never comprehend — carefully and quietly orchestrating events on Earth so that everything operates within given parameters.
Other events not within the control or influence of our own individual free-will actions are also being guided — again with a level of such exacting precision that it is nearly impossible to understand or discover that any higher intelligence is involved in what goes on.
This is why, for example, the Yellowstone super-caldera volcano has not erupted, California has not sunk into the ocean, and the Sun has not destroyed our electrical grid in a coronal mass ejection.
Why do you think UFOs have often been seen over nuclear missile silos, powering down the whole complex before zipping away? Why was a UFO seen over Chernobyl when the meltdown occurred, stopping it from killing many, many more people and possibly destroying the Earth?
Why do you think, as Al Martin Raw reported, the Bush faction’s attempt to plant fake WMDs in Iraq and blame it on Saddam was interdicted, the conspirators wiped out and the materials lost in a so-unfortunate ‘friendly fire’ incident?
Why do you think that within the last year, the Iran Deyanat — an entire ship built to explode and release tons of messy, radioactive dust as a ‘dirty bomb’ to attack Israel and surrounding areas — just happened to be captured by nasty pirates? How did those pirates end up going after that particular ship — saving us from a very unfortunate nuclear incident that would have killed innocent people and destabilized the entire Middle East?
Why is it that every doom-and-gloom story the fear pornographers come up with, often with impending Chicken Little timelines in the not-too-distant future, never comes to pass — at least nowhere near as destructively as they expect?
Management. …
It is absolutely mandatory that Management keeps our planet balanced. That is the Way of the Universe. We are not alone. Nothing happens by random chance. Everyone is growing spiritually whether they realize it or not, regardless of how many times they may repeat the same lessons.
The balance that Management provides for us means that we can equally look for the positive, and find it, as the negative. The more negative things happen, the more positive breakthroughs must be allowed to occur. And the negative will never be allowed to overtake the positive under any circumstances. The changes we do see on Earth are a necessary part of the growth pains involved in this process.
As long as you remain in fear, the negative plans still have a chance of working out. If you wake up, lose the fear and understand the real story, then you are on the winning side — and your life can be an ever-increasing bounty of blessings, goodwill and spiritual growth.
This is a war of frequency. The frequency being fought over is your consciousness. Will you exist in love, or in fear? Either way is a choice. And the choice you make has a direct, resonant effect upon the entire planet.
(1) For instance, “What Are the Chances of a Nuclear War with China?” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/nwo-essays/what-are-the-cahnces-of-a-nuclear-war-with-china/.