It’s said that no plan survives the first ten minutes of war.
When the Reval hits, I predict that there’ll be a war going on within ourselves that many of our plans will not survive.
We’ll now find ourselves in the territory called “I don’t have to stand for that any more.” Entitlement may run wild.
We may think that we now don’t have to worry about mistakes, costs, how we come across, etc.
Of course it’s not true.
Michael predicted we’d feel elevated after the Reval and advised us to take the elevator to the basement. I plan to follow his advice.
Michael counselled me to take the first week off:
Archangel Michael: First things first. As soon as this has occurred, we want you to take an entire week off.
Steve: Is that like in seclusion. Is that what you mean? Or play?
AAM: Play, walking, seclusion, camaraderie. But the most important thing you will do is simply breathe. Because your world, as you know it, will have shifted.
So it is not to hire people. It is not to find a new place to live. It is not to engage everybody. It is just to breathe and from that place of centred, anchored breathing, then to proceed. (1)
It won’t be possible to just take a week off the moment the exchange is over. I have others to financially take care of first. I may need to attend a few other exchanges as well.
But once I’ve laid everything to rest, I’ll definitely begin a week off.
My world as I know it will have absolutely shifted. And that could be a bucking bronco or a blessed breakthrough. I want the latter. Michael advises:
“This is a massive change and it is not about being hasty. It is about being plan-full and mindful and prudent. You are doing exactly what needs to be done.” (2)
Well, I’m trying to iron out the wrinkles in my character, to ready myself. And I know I’m definitely not “there” yet. Michael goes on:
“Do not go on a buying spree. That has never and will never be our guidance.” (3)
I’m not geared to buying sprees. (4) Unless the Company of Heaven begins selling bliss. But I suspect he means any kind of spree.
If we excite that spree energy, if we lose self-control, with the resources we’ll have then, we could do some serious damage to ourselves and others. Just look at the tabloids.
The spree tendency might be to buy jets, yachts, châteaux, cars, vacations, everything money can buy. I’m resolved to keep a handle on things lest I go wild and bury myself in commitments that don’t make a difference.
In my view, one of the dangers is that, if we set our heart on material possessions, our consciousness may remain Third/Fourth Dimensional.
That isn’t enough of a foundation on which to build Nova Earth. It’ll still be dense slogging and we wouldn’t reach the level of inspiration, I think, that would lift our creation out of a 3D rut.
As to our role after the Reval, in my opinion, the CoH are banking on us (no pun intended) taking up the paradigm of stewardship and acting as wise shepherds to the world. The harvest is great and the harvesters are few. From the ranks of lightworkers will come the workers in the field.
From their ranks will also come the stewards of the Mother’s estate. According to Michael:
“Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many.” (5)
My satisfaction will come from knowing that I’ve been able to play a part in ending world hunger, poverty, and homelessness. And being allowed to work with the celestials now and the galactics later. What an honor. I never dreamed of this.
I resolve to remain throughout the exchange and “recovery” processes in the divine states of peace and happiness, love and bliss.
A month’s vacation is next, on a South Seas Island with no Internet. (Kidding!)
And then the work will begin.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 21, 2015. Hereafter AAM.
(2) AAM, June 6, 2018.
(3) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values – Part 2/2,” September 18, 2013, at
(4) “We know that your desires do not tend towards the physical. And of course that is one of the reasons why you are perfect for flowthrough [or pipeline]. You are not looking for planes and châteaux.” (AAM, Aug. 2, 2017.)
(5) AAM, May 27, 2016.