I’ve been asked to explain in more detail my fascination with the Nautilus or Ammonite (closely related, structurally similar).
I’d love to. The symbol means something very special to me.
I’ve described at length the vision I had on February 13, 1987. (1) Let me leave that for you to look at. But presupposing that you have, when the golden Star-Child ventured into the cloud that the Holy Spirit or Divine Mother was, it entered into coils, which I knew to be lifetimes in matter (mater, Mother).
Thus it not only followed a spiritual arc from God to God, but also journeyed in a spiritual spiral as it passed through lifetimes in matter. It was spiral because the Star-Child kept returning to the same karmic lesson until the lesson was learned.
If the Child/Star had stood on the edge of the Mother’s domain, turned around and looked back, the Nautilus, viewed as a coil receding into the distance, is what that person would see. If they could see their lifetimes in matter!
Moreover, if they were halfway through the coils and looked forward, the Nautilus (or a spiral staircase) would be what they’d see looking into the future as well – except in this Ascension lifetime.
However at some point, in my vision, the little golden Star-Child became enlightened to an intermediate level. It then stood on the edge of the Mother’s domain, recognized the Father Sun far away, and sped to him. Its mergence with the Father was the end of its journey from God to God.
Seeing the whole thing enacted before me provided me with everything I needed to know at that moment about the enlightenment I had been studying for the previous decade.
It was wordless and I had no words to describe what I had seen. But I knew what I’d seen. The bliss had the effect of removing barriers so that the lessons of the vision were etched in memory.
For the ten years, I read nothing but the works of enlightened sages to find words to describe what had taken place. The book, The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment, was the result.
We, in ascending, are leaving the Nautilus. Why?
Because the Law of Karma does not bind us as closely as it did. The Arcturians through Sue Lie tell us: “Karma is a third dimensional construct.” (2)
The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele expand:
“Karma is a third-dimensional energy of duality and separation and you are all quickly moving beyond this way of resolving issues, but there is residue from the many lifetimes you have lived in the old energy that needs to be cleared.” (3)
“There is no longer karma after the soul reaches a certain level of spiritual awareness, for then the individual is able to deal with life in new and higher ways, but at this time many of you are helping to clear impersonal world karma.” (4)
So finishing up, cleaning up and then no more new karma. No more spinning around the circle returning to the same circumstances again and again.
Someone said that once a person discovers spirituality, their path straightens out. Once one ends personal karma, our paths will greatly straighten out. No more spiritual spiral.
Finally, I want to thank Caroline for sending along this wonderful quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes’ “The Chambered Nautilus”:
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea! (5)
Open thee to heaven, rather than shut thee, but a wonderful image nonetheless – “each new temple, nobler than the last.” In my Father’s house are many mansions – each more stately than the last.
(1) “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(2) “Transcript ~ The Arcturians on AHWAA: Mastering What Jesus Knew, December 24, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/05/transcript-the-arcturians-on-ahwaa-mastering-what-jesus-knew-december-24-2015/.
(3) The Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele, June 3, 2012.
(4) Ibid., March 16, 2014.
(5) Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., “The Chambered Nautilus,” Poetry Foundation, at httpss://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44379/the-chambered-nautilus
(6) Let’s bring the other discussion of this subject in here, to have everything in one place.
The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment says:
Sacred arc and spiritual spiral
Let’s return to Ibn Arabi’s statement of the Plan.
“Level after level he traverses the seven spheres and comes down into the Globe of Fire, then Air, then Water, then falls on earth; after that to the Minerals, Plants….
“Until he reaches the degree of human being he passes through many tribulations at every level of his descent; he meets with difficulties. Sometimes he rises; sometimes he goes low; and half a circle is completed till he is lodged with … mankind.” (1)
Note that he describes two movements. One is the overall parabolic descent into matter and ascent into spirit over countless lifetimes. The second is a periodic rising and falling in any one lifetime as the being responds to its “many tribulations” due to karma.
Sage Vasistha, millennia ago, referred to this second movement as the “rise and fall in evolution” that is brought about by “the law of cause and effect.” (2) Twentieth-century Christian Master Beinsa Douno described it as a “partial rise and descent in an oscillating curve.” (3)
This second pattern of movement — rising, falling, all the time moving forward — can be thought of as the “oscillating curve” or spiral journey of the soul towards the realization of God. It’s us responding to the law of karma, which, in the long run, keeps us moving towards God.
Let’s now combine the two movements — the sacred arc and the spiritual spiral. As we travel through the sacred arc over evolutionary periods of time, we follow a spiritual spiral on a day-to-day basis. While the movement of the arc may be away from and back to God, the movement of the spiral is through the same situations again and again until we learn our lessons.
In the course of this parabolic and spiral journey of many lifetimes, says Al Ghazzali, the individual being “rises from the rank of beasts to that of angels.” (4) Perhaps this contention that we rise from the humblest beginnings in the mineral and plant kingdoms to the most exalted status as humans and angels is why Jesus could say with confidence that “God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” (5)
In a mystical sense, God has already raised up children unto Abraham from stones. We’re they. We’re all of us what Peter called “lively stones” (6) that have evolved through many kingdoms of phenomenal reality.
(1) Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 20.
(2) Swami Venkatesananda, ed., The Concise Yoga Vasistha. Albany: State University of New York, 1984, 94.
(3) “Brother of the Smallest One,” Lectures, 1 January 1917, www.beinsadouno.org., downloaded 7 March 2005.
(4) Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964, 32.
(5) St. Matthew 3:9
(6) I Peter 2:5.