For many years now, I’ve been addressing the emails that come into our “Contact Us.” It’s been an honor to be on the receiving end of all manner of questions.
Over time, as I started to understand why I was actually doing this, it occurred to me that the posing of the question is what would generate the answer.
I’ve come to realize as well that my guidance has been sourced from a Collective that is both Celestial and Galactic. It includes Whales and Ancient Trees, Stone and Crystal People.
Recently, a message came in from a reader expressing concern over the information offered in an article posted on Voyages of Light (1) representing that only about half of the population of Earth “will be able to ascend.” Further, that because of damage to our beautiful planet, people who don’t ascend will have to remain on a 3D Earth while the successful ascenders get to move on to a 5D Earth.
The second question had to do with the Event having already happened, along with the understandable fear of having been left behind. The answers that came through generated a discussion that might be helpful for others with similar concerns.
Please be assured that anyone taking the time to search for answers and subsequently reading this and many other blogs hasn’t been and won’t be ‘left behind.’ At this point, what we have to go on is speculation and information given through various channels as to how this all will unfold.
Because of this, it’s vital that we establish and nurture our own connection to guidance. As with any relationship, care and maintenance is required to bring about the greatest benefit to all parties. And, yes, our friends in the rafters do benefit from interacting with us.
My own understanding is that there will indeed be different living arrangements for those who choose ascension (consciously or otherwise), and those who choose to experience a more lower-dimensional existence. In this, I believe we need to let go of knowing how such a separation will take place. I don’t think we can even imagine it, to be honest. Not only has it never been done before; we may be writing the story as we go.
The phrase “will be able to ascend” doesn’t feel quite right to me, because a desire to ascend might be all that’s required. I imagine that when the desire is expressed, either with awareness or unconsciously, things are put into motion to bring about the preparatory experiences needed for each individual.
Say, for example, that someone knows about ascension and thinks it a lovely notion. They want in, but have the idea that there’s nothing they need to do to prepare. That simply isn’t true, as it’s incumbent on each of us to do our personal work and clear ourselves of the wounding and false beliefs we may have taken into our bones as children, in a past life, and sometimes even as adults.
The Earth has indeed taken damage as a result of human activity, but she’s quite alright. Our Galactic Family is more than willing to share their technology to help us clean everything up and set things right. From what I gather, that won’t take very long.
The Event that’s been discussed by many hasn’t yet taken place. In some ways though, it’s been happening for a while already.. Similar to astrological events where the energies are felt for days (or longer) both before and after the moment in question…we’ve been in preparation for the Event perhaps for our whole lives and for many incarnations. I would say that our preparation has been accelerated and condensed recently because we’re getting close to it.
Bottom line is that no one who desires to ascend with the planet will be left behind, but unless they’ve been diligent about doing their personal clearing work to let go of all that no longer serves, what hasn’t been given up actively and voluntarily will be stripped away, and it may not be comfortable.
This is all about frequency, and Love is the very highest. If we live our lives from our hearts, with good intentions in the name of the Light and for the highest good of all concerned…there’s really not a thing to worry about. That’s our Shield.
(1) Preparing for the Leap into New Earth | The Elohim via Tarashtan
Continued in Part Two…