Happy Sunday, dear friends. It is finally here, and I could not be more excited!
What, you ask, could make me this excited? Well, the warm weather of course! We spent so much time in the dark, freezing cold of winter this year, and the warm weather was not quick to come our way.
We got teased with brief pockets of sunshine and balmy breezes, and then got slammed right back into weather that threatened frost. That tipping point into real change was so frustrating! The back and forth of it brought up not a little bit of discouragement within me. I mean, I knew summer was coming, but when would it get here?
A tiny voice whispered to me today. Actually, it laughed at me. How many times have you felt the same way about the changing world? How many times have you felt that tipping point and the back and forth sea saw of progress forward, only to be pulled back?
Loads. The seasons remind me though, that change, at this point in the cycle we are in, is inevitable. Treating ourselves gently is of course key to staying balanced during the shifting times.
I realized today that I have to pat myself on the back more, as I shift through family life changes, seasonal changes and earth changes all at the same time! Talk about multi-tasking! I am up for the challenge though, because no matter what, the shifts will come, so way better to go with it than resist.
After all, what’s on the other side is what I have been dreaming of for a very long time!
Red Noses raise multi-millions for children in need in the US.
Red Nose Day and its related charity events have raised over 1.5 Billion in support funds for children in need in the UK for over 27 years. This year the noses jumped the pond and began fundraising in the US.
Many high profile celebrities joined the cause which was also supported by the US company Walgreens. The campaign culminated with a night of comedy that raised over $21 Million to support children in need.
While we have all been focusing on grass roots support of individuals around the world, it makes me happy to see celebrities stepping up with their time and promotion to help such a worthy cause. When celebrities understand that their fame can be used to bring tremendous awareness and strong calls to action for their followers, we jump forward towards a world that works for everyone!
Mega-Stars Joke Around And Raise $21 Million For Charity in a Few Days on Feel Good News
Foster parents line up to take in at-risk animals from a flooded shelter in Texas.
This past week, Texas and Oklahoma experienced extreme storms with major flooding. When the Town Lake Animal Center, a no-kill shelter in Austin, Texas started to flood, the animal rescue team took to social media for help.
Within hours, the line of foster volunteers was long. About 80 animals were placed in temporary foster homes until the flood waters receeded and it was safe for them to be housed again. Quite a few of the fostered animals have found forever homes through the experience as well. This is another great example of how social media can stimulate a significant call to action within a crisis.
Taking it to the people.
As the legal debate on same-sex marriages continues at the Supreme Court level in the US, Ireland simply decided to ask the public what they wanted.
After a recent vote on the subject, the country spoke loud and clear. They wish to legalize same-sex marriages and support the rights of all citizens to wed. This is not only a powerful statement of acceptance, but an example to the world that asking citizens what they truly want is far better than applying the law to life issues.
Ireland Votes to Legalize Gay Marriage by Liz Pleasant for Yes Magazine
How Johnny’s Love Transformed a Grocery Store.
This short video describes an amazing transformation that occurred at a local grocery. A new regional manager was hired to inspire customer appreciation and service, and so she told the staff that they could make a difference in their customer’s lives.
She received a phone call from a young man named Johnny who has Down’s Syndrome. He said he wasn’t sure he could inspire anyone, but then he had an idea.
With the help of his dad and a few pieces of copy paper, he literally changed the lives of all the customers and his entire store, proving that one person can be the catalyst for love to enter the lives of many.
How Johnny’s Love Transformed a Grocery Store on Karmatube
And finally…
Animals doing what they do best.
Animals have an innate ability to simply be themselves. They certainly don’t care what anyone thinks of them. It’s wonderful to spend a few minutes observing them and having them open our hearts and give us a giggle! Enjoy!
Wonderful Animals being themselves on YouTube
That’s the good news for today. Have a happy day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.
Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!