Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer.
Yes, we are pushing the envelope of your acceptance of our forecasts . . . again! And although it seems to you that we have let you down or disappointed you, you do need to remind yourselves frequently that time is of the illusion.
In truth there is only the eternal moment of “now.” Everything happens “now,” there is no other possibility because there is no other moment. So we talk of “soon” and “near” and “close” to impress upon you the reality of making things happen now.
You all incarnated at this point in humanity’s evolution, in this moment of the illusion, to take part very actively in the awakening process. After many Earth lives you were ready to awaken and ready to assist others who, for a variety of reasons, are far more deeply asleep and therefore need the devoted assistance that only you can provide.
You provide that assistance by your loving intentions, repeated every time that you go within to the quiet and eternally loving center of your beingness, which, as we – your spiritual guides, mentors, and friends – have told you before, are enormously powerful.
You made the choice to incarnate because of the enormous power that you would each unleash as individual aspects of the Tsunami of Love, to bring the awakening to fruition, and because the awareness of what you would be doing was so enthralling.
You are all aspects in form of the mightiness that is being released on Earth by the Tsunami of Love. That is why you are drawn so strongly to your spiritual paths; you resonate with the divine field of Love in a glorious harmony of aligning frequencies.
You are shielded from the full force of the Tsunami of Love because your physical form could not be maintained without that protective shield, but that shield also blocks your awareness of who you truly are, and that is why doubts and anxieties about the awakening, about God’s divine plan for humanity keep arising and unsettling you.
You knew before you incarnated that it would not be an easy task as you experienced it in human form, but you also knew that what you had set yourselves up to do would be unfailingly and most gloriously achieved. You absolutely know that the event for which you are all so expectantly longing cannot be prevented, and that knowing does penetrate your human form which is why you have the strength to keep holding your Light on high through all the apparent delays and disappointments.
You have no idea how deeply honored you are up here in the spiritual realms as we watch over you proudly and lovingly while you assist most ably in bringing this stage of God’s divine plan forward towards completion. As you awaken all will be most stunningly revealed for your amazed delight and joy.
You will know yourselves once more as you truly are: eternal divine beings of infinite potential through which you create endless patterns of beauty in a vast array of sensations that are far beyond anything you could conceive of with your limited human consciousness.
It seems to many of you that you are on a long path seeking meaning and purpose in your lives and then, as meanings and purposes are uncovered, revealed, and achieved, the search starts once more because you constantly need more stimuli, more goals, something new to excite or interest you.
But what you are really seeking you already have deep within you, lying unrecognized because you rely far too heavily on your human form, its competences, and its abilities for stimulation and interest.
Truly, although you do need to care for it sensibly, your human body is a distraction because you are so aware of it to the exclusion of what is real Love, and whose flame burns always within you maintaining your eternal existence. And yet you seek It, quite unknowingly, without, where It can never be found.
Love is the energy field in which all exists, but because It constantly supports you in every moment, because you are never without it for even the most infinitesimal moment, you do not notice It. An analogy is a fish out of water. Without God’s Love enveloping you in every moment you would be in far worse shape than a fish out of water, you would cease to exist. By becoming still, going quietly within and resting in a high state of alertness, you can uncover that flame, the Light of Love within you, and in doing so you will realize, instantly, that you have no needs, because all is already yours.
God, as you have so often been told, is Love. Love withholds nothing from Its beloved, and you are that beloved. All you have to do is open to Love. Mostly, however, humans get caught up in the unfounded belief that to survive is an ever-present struggle that demands ninety nine percent or more of their attention, and so they become distracted, lost, and unhappy in their seeming aloneness, and seeming defenselessness against all that could destroy them if they ceased to pay attention. And that is why all the masters, mystics, and spiritual guides keep telling you to go within and rest in the peace that you will find there.
To find that inner peace, however, you have to let go, you have to allow the present moment to be – it will, whether you do or not! – and by so doing let your awareness develop of the reality that you are far more than the persona with whom you normally identify.
Identity is a useful tool within the illusion where you seem to be separate, individual, but when you go within to commune with God, with Love, with Reality, your true Self, All that exists, you need to release that sense of identity which blocks out the awareness of that state you are attempting to access.
Oneness and individual identity are incompatible. As you find inner peace in that quiet inner sanctuary your sense of identity will have dropped away because you have no need of it. As you become more accustomed to entering this divine state you will find that your sense of identity weakens and becomes far less demanding of your attention.
Then you will find that you are beginning to see the divine, the flame of God’s eternal Love in others, and your need to judge will also weaken. Acceptance of others will become normal, and from there forgiveness arises, of yourselves, and of others, eventually of all others.
And that is Oneness, where there is never any sense of threat, danger, or anxiety, because it makes no sense at all when there is only Oneness. Humanity is evolving towards a permanent state of Oneness where its limitless potential can join with God’s to produce wonders beyond anything you can presently conceive of. Know that all is completely well, and that your awakening into Oneness is inevitable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Jesus: Oneness and Individual Identity are Incompatible. Channelled by John Smallman. January 29, 2015. httpss://