(Continued from Part 1.)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn said that light codes were being sent us that have started change in us at all levels.
“But, even beyond the natural laws of Growth and Change on Earth, there are also Changes taking places at a very deep level of Consciousness and of Creation. The New Light Codes that enter through the Stargate portals accelerate and activate energies at the atomic and subatomic levels, that we would call the ‘God Particles.’
“These nano particles are the Divine Cosmic Intelligence as it manifests into Physical Reality. As these particles evolve and change, so they initiate Change at all levels of Creation.
“So, Beloved Ones, we would say that Change is occuring first at a very deep level in the Fabric of Creation and in the Collective Consciousness of the Earth. But, you will also feel this Change in your Physical Bodies and in your Collective Experience as Communities.” (1)
The Pleiades High Council speaking through Anna Merkaba explained the impact of these energies on our bodies.
“All of this is occurring on your subatomical level, and thus your consciousness is not aware of the various communications between your cells and the cosmic rays from the Central Sun that passes through the seven heavens of the Pleiades and arrives in your own sun and then delivered to you through the rays of the sun and offshoots of the moon.” (2)
Wes Annac’s sources tell us that the energies are opening our chakras.
“Rivers of energy are pouring into your opening and expanding chakras at this time.
“Feel the whooshing and rushing of this energy as it comes through your chakras and helps you adjust to purer states of consciousness, and remember that we’re always and forever with you, offering guidance, advice or a shoulder to cry on when you require it.” (3)
The waves of energy are also awakening dormant layers with our DNA code, they tell us, Anna Merkaba’s sources tell us.
“And so when such cellular conversation is taking place, your consciousness is not aware, but is only aware of the emotional component that comes with these waves of energies.
“For the waves upon wave of fresh new information which carries within it the vibration of truth that your body is simply not accustomed to is activating the dormant layers within your DNA code. Thereby increasing the activity of cells that have not been active for EONS!
“These are the cells within your DNA structure and chromosome structure that were responsible in times past for your direct connection to the divine, for your direct connection to the source and the memory of all that was, is and will be.” (4)
During this process, they caution us, we can experience fear and be somewhat jittery and volatile.
“And so the cellular structure of your energetic portals, and the energy field around you are acting as magnets, repelling each other. Until such moment when both will stabilize and the truth will finally be delivered to your consciousness, you will experience fear.
“This whole process is what is causing you to feel fear, for a new way of life, a new understanding of the cosmic laws of creation and existence are being introduced into your systems. New ways which are replacing the old ways, and your body is naturally resisting to this change, for it knows not what is to come, and is holding on to the only thing that it knows and that is 3D consciousness. And as this process is happening in your body it is causing you feel jittery, insecure with no knowledge of where you stand, for truly you are not grounded as this occurs.
“This is what is meant when we say to you that you are receiving another DNA upgrade. And we are noticing that to many of you this process appears as something of a volatile nature, for you are experiencing much discomfort, nevertheless please understand that such discomfort is indeed necessary for your bodies to restructure themselves into new modes of “transportation” if you will.” (5)
We may feel slightly off-balance and have difficulty navigating, Aisaha’s sources said. But nothing is amiss.
“And so, many of you will feel slightly off balance after such a huge surge of energy coursing through your being. For these storms always throw up so much in their wake, it can feel a little bit difficult to navigate through it all during the first few days afterwards.
“So remember this, that even if you do feel slightly out of sorts these days, there is nothing amiss, you are simply in the midst of adjusting to these new levels of vibration that came embedded within these energetic particles that showered you all so generously only a few hours ago. (6)
The awakening cells push out all untruth.
“The cellular memory is reactivated, and is replenished with information that serves the purpose of your cells to awaken, and to communicate with the rest of your body. This activation forces your cells to push out all the ‘untruth’ that you have learnt throughout your present incarnation and the incarnations of those that came before you and whose DNA memory you carry within your human vehicles.” (7)
The master Hilarion reminds us that each soul is being filled with love from the higher dimensions and beginning to demand change.
“The world teems with newness amidst the crumbling ashes of the old. Every living being and consciousness is being blessed with healing and renewing energies that come from the cosmos. Along the path of each soul, miracles are abounding! Everywhere one looks there is evidence of the higher realms being felt and in many cases, being seen.
“The greatest miracles are taking place within each soul as they are being filled with the spirit of love from the higher dimensions. Each soul is beginning to express their higher version of themselves and this is having a wondrous effect upon the whole planet. Humanity as a whole is realizing the power for positive change that they carry and are utilizing and mobilizing into positive works that benefit the higher good of all.
“Many brave souls are standing up to speak their truth and make their claim for that which is rightfully theirs. Throughout the world, those who have been oppressed are rising up and finding their voice. They are demanding change that includes the return of their sovereignty upon their lands and in their daily lives. They are peacefully and through the current legal systems asserting their right to live in peace without threat of violence, abuse or exploitation.” (8)
These energy downloads and upgrades are awakening us on all levels, opening our chakras and causing our dormant DNA to stir. They’re causing us to find our voices, reject untruth, and demand change.
(1) “Archangel Michael: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light,” channeled by Celia Fenn, October, 2013 at https://www.starchildglobal.com.
(2) “Pleiades High Council: Nov 1-16 – Cell Resonance and Restructuring,” channeled by Anna Merkaba, November 4, 2013 at /https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/.
(3) “Our Universal Family: Rivers of Energy are Pouring into your Chakras,” channeled by Wes Annac, November 1, 2013 at https://aquariusparadigm.com.
(4) “Pleiades High Council: Nov 1-16 – Cell Resonance and Restructuring,” channeled by Anna Merkaba, November 4, 2013 at https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/.)
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) “A Short Update on the Energies – November 4,” channeled by Aisha North, November 4, 2013 at https://aishanorth.wordpress.com.
(7) “Pleiades High Council: Nov 1-16 – Cell Resonance and Restructuring,” channeled by Anna Merkaba, November 4, 2013 at https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/.)
(8) Hilarion, November 3, 2013, at https://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage/