I carried out a review of what’s being said about NESARA, but I’m afraid there isn’t a great deal to be shared. Some statements are overblown and make the same statements that banking officials are being trained that have been shared at various times of last year.
Others, primarily “insiders,” detail the various alleged intrigues among European governments, the Vatican, etc. This kind of journalism has been a staple since as far back as I can remember. I’m really only willing to put stock in two sources – SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey and Sanat Kumara through Linda. So let’s review what they’ve said about the abundance program.
SaLuSa said on Dec. 14, 2012 that the Company of Heaven would not allow financial speculation to continue much longer.
“General conditions on Earth are getting worse due to weather variations, and also interference in markets that are being manipulated for gain. Whether it be food or money, speculators continue to bring misery in a world that is already in a turmoil. However, these conditions will not last very long and will not be allowed to be repeated.” (1)
He went on to discuss the NESARA economy with no date given for its announcement. He does mention recovering caches of valuable metals, which lines up with reports last January of ships full of several kinds of valuable metal found in ships intentionally sunk off the Philippines, only one source of the vast caches of gold on the planet that will be one source underwriting NESARA.
“Big business and especially the banks will be totally re-organized, so as to ensure there is never again a collapse like you recently experienced. Monetary systems will in any event change, and a fairer system of valuation introduced. It will result in honest trading and put an end to corrupt practices.
“As we have told you many times, wealth also will be re-distributed and we are already starting to recover hidden caches of valuable metals. Add to it St. Germain’s World Trust Fund, and you will have sufficient to ensure that everyone is above the poverty levels that so many are experiencing now.
“Money and valuables acquired honestly will be kept in possession of the bona fide owners. However, anything else that has been obtained dishonestly will be recovered. A feature of your future lives will be that criminality will disappear, as such actions will not enter the minds of those who have ascended. Consciousness levels will be so high that honesty in all dealings can be taken for granted. Plus the fact that people that are cared for and have their needs covered are happy and at One with everyone else.” (2)
On Dec. 28, 2012, SaLuSa returned to the topic and said that:
“The efforts of our allies will also bring forward the redistribution of wealth that has been illegally obtained. So much is at the point of coming out, and with the lower vibrations disappearing more quickly there is less chance of delays taking place.” (3)
Sanat Kumara discussed NESARA on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 7, 2013. He attributed the hold-up to foot-dragging on the part of the human collective generally, not necessarily cabals or economic terrorists. The human collective generally has not been ready and willing to embrace more financial equality.
Steve Beckow: What stands in the way of NESARA manifesting now? …
Sanat Kumara: Some politics. Now you know that it is really in the hands of the galactics and inter-galactics that that has been the plan, when the political landscape of Earth has been such as to not really want to shift dramatically, because of the, hmm, attachment that money and security and power have.
And so months ago in your time, perhaps even as much as a half a year ago, the shift in that plan has been that there would be greater assistance, let us put it that way, from the inter-galactic powers — not in terms of interfering with the human collective will, which seems to be the front and center issue at the moment.
So it is the energy to shift, and you are already creating that. We are not talking about what you think of as dark forces or cabals or those who have engaged in terrorism, economic and otherwise. We are simply talking about the human collective being ready to embrace a greater form of equality. And that greater form of equality is also based on the opening of the human hearts.
The opening of the human hearts is also the ticket of love that has been referred to for years now to enter into the 5th dimension. And that has been the primary focus right now.
There has been human interference and delays — no, not of a negative nature, just the human desire to drag their feet sometimes, particularly in financial arenas such as what you are talking about in the pre-NESARA, and even the NESARA funds. (4)
Though the Internet is rife with speculation, these are the only two sources I’d be willing to put credence in at the moment. To summarize, according to SaLuSa “much is at the point of coming out, and with the lower vibrations disappearing more quickly there is less chance of delays taking place.” And according to Sanat, the intergalactics are assisting us to shift the foot-dragging that is occurring in the general collectivity from an unwillingness to share to a willingness to embrace financial equality.
(1) SaLuSa, Dec. 14, 2012, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(2) Loc. Cit.
(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 28, 2012.
(4) “Sanat Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the Disappointed,” An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 7, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/sanat-kumara-our-heartfelt-apologies-to-the-disappointed/