MUFON’s Elaine Douglass describes the coalition between the cabal and the dark alien presence of the little Greys, responsible for large numbers of abductions, just as that coalition is responsible for wars, torture prisons, and mind-control programs.
It’s my understanding that the abductions have ended and the little Greys, who reside below the Earth’s surface, are leaving or have left. Of them SaLuSa said, earlier this year:
No forces on or off Earth can now make any difference and we of the Galactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success. … Of course there are negative Space Beings, but they are prevented from interfering with your Ascension. (SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.)
It may be that the abductions are a part of our history that SaLuSa was referring to today when he said that:
That reaction [of shock] is more likely to come with learning how you have been used by the dark Ones, to achieve their agenda for world control. You placed your trust and lives in the hands of those who should have worked in your best interest. You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it. It is these revelations that worry those responsible for what has taken place and although the truth leaks out into the public domain, it is much more far reaching than you can possibly imagine. (SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2010.)
Jon Kelly,Vancouver UFO Examiner,
August 27th, 2010,
MUFON State Director compares alien abductions with CIA renditions, MKULTRA mind-control torture
MUFON State Director Elaine Douglass spoke with The Secret Message Report-Podcast Edition
“If the US government kidnapped you and took you out for a steak dinner and gave you a feeling of ecstasy, how would you regard that?” asked Elaine Douglass, MUFON State Director for Utah and Board Editor, Journal of Abduction-Encounter ResearchThe Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition, comparing alien abduction to illegal CIA rendition and MKULTRA mind-control torture. (JAR). Ms. Douglass spoke to Vancouver-based
Her remarks highlighted the case of Roy Wells, an abductee whose hypnotic regressions under hypnotherapist Deborah Lindemann revealed a series of startling memories. His memories described events taking place in a deep black world of government/ET collusion that reads like a galactic Taguba Report. The Roy Wells story, as reported in both JAR 8 and JAR 9, includes both the use of leashes on human beings and naked parading of men and women before military and intelligence services personel. The Taguba Report is the common name for a US military inquiry conducted in 2004 into intentional abuses of prisoners being held at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Readers can request their own free copy of JAR 9 by sending their request to [email protected].
Lack of Benefits
“Have we got any benefits from the aliens?” She continued, “I see a lot of abductees that are obsessed with different technologies, ancient history and they spend their whole lives reading and trying to figure out mysteries that the aliens have presented – riddles. It’s just like busy work is what it is. You know, the aliens will say ‘Here’s a riddle’. I’ve had cases like this. And the person, for twenty years, is obsessed with finding the meaning of this riddle. And that is what is given [to] us. But nothing practical, nothing we can use.”
When asked about possible indicators that could be used to identify an event where beneficial and constructive human contact with extraterrestrials was taking place, Ms. Douglass remarked, “[T]he model I would use would be the relations of the United States with foreign countries. Those are correct relationships.”
A Terrifying Picture
“[The aliens] have appropriated territory, undoubtedly some of it in the United States of America, she continued, “Roy [Wells] is repeatedly taken to a very large alien facility that is entered through a tunnel … There are hundreds of abductees coming and going, being brought in by craft. Processed through and taken out. They’re all laying there on tables. I mean, there is nothing reassuring about this picture. Nothing. It is terrifying.”
“Everything we know about the aliens we get through this study of the abductions. Which is why we created an entire magazine, JAR, the Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research, dedicated to the study of the abductions. Everything we know about the aliens, the US government knows too.” Ms. Douglass explained, “There’s a part of the American government bureaucracy that is apprised of the reality of aliens and is doing things. And that’s what we call the cover-up. We don’t understand how the cover-up is structured, who’s in charge of it, how it’s funded. All we have is some hypotheses about those things. But actually, the cover-up is more secret than the aliens.”
CIA Kidnappings
In late 2009, the New York Times described a landmark ruling where “an Italian judge on Wednesday convicted a base chief for the Central Intelligence Agency and 22 other Americans, almost all C.I.A. operatives, of kidnapping a Muslim cleric from the streets of Milan in 2003.” The Times called the case, “a huge symbolic victory for Italian prosecutors, who drew the first convictions involving the American practice of rendition, in which terrorism suspects are captured in one country and taken for questioning in another, often one more open to coercive interrogation techniques [ie: torture].”
State-sponsored kidnapping is a real threat to human liberty and freedom that colours US foreign relations even with its war-time allies. Italy fielded the fourth-largest force as a coalition partner in the US-led invasion of Iraq (after Britain and South Korea), providing over 3000 troops who were withdrawn by late 2006. One source describes how 109 Italian soldiers who served in Iraq subsequently died due to exposure to depleted uranium. A review of the facts shows how Ms. Douglass’s comparison of alien abductions with US government-backed CIA renditions is a lucid reflection on public safety issues impacting society’s ability to respond to potential opportunities for beneficial and constructive contact with extraterrestrials.
RFID Torture has reported in a recent four part series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) how James Walbert, a Wichita Kansas resident and inventor has endured electronic torture through the forced implantation of an RFID device in his body. The series describes how a Sedgwick County, Kansas court “ordered the associated targeted stalking of Walbert to halt. Walbert then began suffering electric shock sensations and hearing electronically generated tones, including popping and ringing sounds. On December 30th, Court decided in Walbert’s favor, issuing a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to injure Walbert.“
The series also shows an MRI scan revealing the location of the implant in James Walbert’s body, describing him as one of “thousands of American Targeted Individuals, innocent children, women and men covertly persecuted in the United States – in their own homes and communities – by one of, if not the single most sophisticated organized criminal systems to hit the planet.” By comparing the use of forced RFID implants overriding normal human emotional responses to kidnapping by criminal CIA operatives acting under illegal rendition orders, Elaine Douglass has advanced the discussion of alien abduction, clearly qualifying this subject as part of what reported earlier as “[MKULTRA] US medicos and military Nazi human experimentation”.
On Behalf of Humanity
From the JAR website: “The mission of JAR is to create a global platform on which to debate the significance of the extraterrestrial presence. JAR will publish all cogently argued points of view that give us insight about who the UFO intelligences are, what they are doing, what they want, how human beings are reacting to them, and how the extraterrestrial presence may influence the future of the human race. All ufology know we are living through the opening stages of the most important development in human history. What is the nature of this development? How are we to react to it?
Many answers lie in study of the abduction-encounters. That is the window through which we must look to see the UFO people who have come here. We must look at the abduction-encounters, and then at the spreading impacts of these encounters in society.
Answers? There will be many. There already are. And they differ. We at JAR see a great worldwide debate opening. We intend to carry that debate and we invite you to participate in it with us.
These are unprecedented times. The UFO community is in possession of precious information. Only the UFO community is aware extraterrestrials are present in our society. The abductions are part of that presence. We must understand the abductions!
First contact is unfolding before our eyes, yet only the UFO community can see it. Yes, the deep recesses of the American, and other governments see it, but they aren’t talking. So who is to interpret this advent of the alien? The public at large? Where? In America? France? India? They cannot.
Worldwide, the people know UFOs are real. The know strange things are in the skies. But they do not know the “phenomena” has landed. They do not know large forces are operating unseen upon the face of the planet, forces that would write our destiny. Only the UFO community possesses this information. Shall we let it go unremarked upon? Undebated? Uninterpreted?
JAR asks these questions: What are the aliens doing? And what do they want? Already many answers to these questions are circulating. Some humans are pleased with what the UFO people are doing. Some are not. It will be well if history records that even while the masses of people remained mute, and the governments of the world were silent, our small UFO community opened the debate on behalf of the human race.”