All children who have entered into the world can be either Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Starseeds, etc. There is no birth status amongst children, just their level of awareness of who they are, their mission and purpose. Every single child is capable, especially if given the proper support and nurturing, to become the amazing and brilliant […]
Laughter is Carbonated Holiness – Part 1/2
Kathleen and I notice that we’re meeting with two kinds of groups. One is building the foundation and superstructure for the work of constructing Nova Earth. You can think of this group as raising a building. Let me call it a vertical group in light of that image. A second group is expanding our knowledge […]
Lifting the Veil – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1.) Starseeds The Arcturian Group tells us that “all of you reading these messages are Beings of Light – some more aware of it than others, but all trying to understand spiritual truth while living lives under a veil of forgetfulness that comes with an incarnation on earth.” (1) The greatest number […]
Stephen Cook: Comet ISON – The Return of Christ Consciousness?
By Stephen Cook – November 28, 2013 Comet ISON has certainly got many of us talking, thinking and, importantly, feeling as it begins brightening up and plunges into the sun’s atmosphere. At 1.45pm Eastern Time USA today (November 28, Thanksgiving Day) the comet will be “little more than a million kilometers above our sun’s fiery […]
Are You a Starseed?
I believe this article, at, was posted in the fall of 2010. While there are many similar lists out and about on the web, I’ve found this listing to be quite on target — however one is able to judge these things. The popular quote comes to mind: “For those who believe, no proof […]
Ellie Miser: How do Pleiadians Come into Earth Bodies?
By Ellie Miser A friend asked how Pleiadians (and other star beings) can come into Earth bodies, other than as walk-ins, which got me to thinking about how I got here, remaining 100% Pleiadian – as was my mother. I have been told (by Plen) that a Pleiadian child is conceived in the female by […]
What is a Starseed? – Part 1/2
I’ve been asked to state the difference between a starseed and a lightworker. Basically lightworkers are all people working for the Light while starseeds are a class of lightworkers whose primary identity prior to this incarnation was with another star or planet. Many of us are starseeds, SaLuSa of Sirius suggests: “Many of you have […]
What is a Starseed? – Part 2/2
(Continued from Part 1.) How Can They be Identified? What identifies people as starseeds is their attraction to and kinship with other galactics. “If you feel attracted to the Space Beings it is more likely you are linked with them. Often such ones feel out of place on Earth, and sense that it is not […]