by Jennifer Farley, October 1, 2024, Dearest child, each of you are saying your goodbyes. As you continue to grow and change, it is a necessary step. It does not mean an end to physical life. Instead, you may be letting go of old beliefs, ideals and, for some, a way of moving […]
The Creator Writings ~ Small Moments…
by Jennifer Farley, September 14, 2024, The Universe can tell you about upcoming shifts and changes in your world, but what happens during the in-between times? You may spend your time waiting, and forget that there’s a life to live, people to love, and growth that needs to be accomplished. Your existence and […]
The Creator Writings ~ Your Changing World
by Jennifer Farley, August 14, 2024, You have the honor to be witnessing something that has never happened before. There is a systematic dismantling of an entire system happening, and you are a integral part of it. Because it is an unknown, there is a great deal of fear being brought to the […]
The Creator Writings ~ Connections
by Jennifer Farley, July 23, 2024, Now that you are settling into your altered routines, it may be challenging to find the positive in all the negative around you. The need for human connections/touch/communication has always been important, and the lack of it may be affecting some of you very deeply. The Universe […]
The Creator Writings ~ Be the Change…
by Jennifer Farley, July 18, 2024, Imagine being in a dark room for a very long time then suddenly you walk out into the bright sunlight. You stand there for a moment, blinking while your eyes adjust, then you start seeing what is really around you. When your Earth finishes moving through this […]
The Creator Writings ~ Another Great Wave
by Jennifer Farley, June 28, 2024, Over the past few days, The Universe has shared about being responsible, trusting in Divine Timing, paying attention to your thoughts and, of course, the ever present walking your path with honesty and integrity. What is next? Yes, you guessed it! Another great wave has begun washing […]
The Creator Writings ~ A Bumpy Ride
by Jennifer Farley, June 20, 2024, Things in your life may seem a bit rough and bumpy; manifestations are not coming to pass as you feel they should, intentions are going sideways, and a general sense of well-being seems to be lacking in your everyday life. The Universe is gently reminding you that […]
The Creator Writings ~ Take A Break
by Jennifer Farley, June 9, 2024, The Universe knows it can be very challenging to be in the know. Experiencing things that most humans do not may fray your nerves and exhaust you. But you have also been given the gift of Unconditional Love; a constant flow that fills every fiber of your […]
The Creator Writings ~ Being of Light
by Jennifer Farley, June 4, 2024, It may be challenging to remember that you are a master in training. Little niggles, irritations and slights may take up your time and energy, but it is crucial to remember exactly who and what you are. You are a Being of Light transcending time and space, […]
The Creator Writings ~ The Unexpected
by Jennifer Farley, May 29, 2024, Dearest one, there will always be something changing or growing in your life. The unexpected has often come to be expected. How you choose to handle it is the key. You can allow yourself to become mired in the emotions that come with it or you can […]
The Creator Writings ~ Your Beauty
by Jennifer Farley, May 21, 2024, Your beauty and strength are not determined by your physical self, what you can gain or what influence you have on your Earth plane. Your beauty comes from your connection to The Universe, your kindness and compassion, how you relate to others, being able to practice forgiveness […]
The Creator Writings ~ A Shining Example
by Jennifer Farley, May 15, 2024, Believe it or not; you have been a touchstone, a guiding light, an anchor for at least one person in your life. Even when you have felt less than, someone has looked to you as an example of what they want to become. You are a beautiful […]
The Creator Writings ~ On the Air
by Jennifer Farley, May 6, 2024, Just a reminder… Everything you do, every thought, feeling, action, reaction…it has a vibrational marker. Each one of those markers, even the inaudible, are heard by those around you, and is transmitted to The Universe and will be responded to in kind. Take a few moments today […]
The Creator Writings ~ Perfect!
by Jennifer Farley, May 4, 2024, There will be times when others judge you. It is very important to remember that they are not really seeing you; they are seeing what they lack. When a person is in denial about themselves, they will often project onto you. When you feel this is happening…take […]
The Creator Writings ~ Feed Your Soul
by Jennifer Farley, April 8, 2024, The key word for the next few days is gentle. With the most recent shifts, there has been a lot of crashing about, huge changes being assimilated and a chaotic atmosphere that would send the most balanced human swinging out of control. Now is the time to […]
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