Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm Concluded from Part 2 The Constant Companions via Aisha North urge us to wake up from our instated slumber so we can access our greater, dormant gifts. “So that is why we say go within, and do so with the intent of one that is actively seeking the […]
Accessing Our Sacred Inner Gifts – Part 2/3
Continued from Part 1 Mother Mary through Fran Zepeda encourages us to expand our perception of who we are and what we’re capable of, because we’re endowed with far more talent and love than we yet understand. “So I ask of you dear ones, please keep opening up to your possibilities and your gifts as […]
Accessing Our Sacred Inner Gifts – Part 1/3
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm This is one of my aforementioned backed-up articles that I initially thought about not posting, but I feel like those of you out there who resonate with the channeled material discussed will appreciate this article. Consciousness is expanding on earth like never before, and we’re being given an […]