I’d like to review a few themes in the wonderful messages we’re continually receiving from the Company of Heaven at this time.
According to Jesus, we’re moving “towards [our] awakening into [our] natural and fully conscious state.” (1) Later in the same article, he characterizes it as “this divinely planned stellar event – humanity’s awakening” (2) and describes the mission we came to Earth to serve as a body of lightworkers.
“You are on Earth at this point in your evolution – humanity’s awakening process – with a very specific and essential purpose.
“You chose to take part because you knew that you could be of very great assistance, and your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spiritual realms where we have full knowledge and understanding of what is required of and offered by all our brothers and sisters presently incarnate on Earth.” (3)
The Celestial White Beings, which I assume is an angelic group, call it “the most precious and abundant era upon the Earth, a time of transformation and deep love experiences.” (4)
It’s “as if you are being embraced so tenderly by the Creator that you are able to truly acknowledge and accept the loving qualities and truth of the Creator. It is a time for true understanding, perception and experience of the Creator.” (5)
They describe their work with us:
“We, the Celestial White Beings, are here to support you in opening your minds and perspectives to grasp and awaken to the abundant and limitless energy of the Creator that is now present for you to experience in your Earth realities.” (6)
Major opportunities are open to all who awaken to the significance of the times.
“So fertile, nourishing and abundant is this time on the Earth, it is filled with major opportunities of Creator unity and exploration. In many ways it is as if you have been seeking the Creator for such a long time but now you have an opportunity to be present with the Creator experiencing your communication and connection deeply.” (7)
The Arcturian Group acknowledges the waves of love and light that are hitting the planet, uplifting all its inhabitants. Some call this the Tsunami of Love; others the Event; and still others know it simply as a time of rapidly-rising energies. Say the Arcturians:
“We observe Light shining ever more brightly as more and more awaken to new ways of seeing the world and their place in it. This is evolution, dear Ones — the changes — the opening to new ideas and higher ways of understanding normal everyday life issues.” (8)
And beyond the rise of these energies is Ascension itself. The Arcturian group describes that process here, saying we’re at that place now.
“Spiritual ascension is not normally a sudden blinding flash that leaves you ascended (although this has happened for a few individuals who had already attained this consciousness in another lifetime).
“Ascension is a state of consciousness that has been attained through the myriad experiences of many lifetimes lived in the energies of duality and separation. From these experiences, the soul learns and grows until at some point he moves beyond having to learn in this way and begins to be taught from within. You are at that place now, dear Ones.” (9)
Tomorrow, we’ll look at the radical and probably final spiritual clearing we’re doing at the moment to prepare ourselves to ascend.
(1) “Jesus: Your Choice is Greatly Honored and Appreciated by All in the Spiritual Realms,” as chanelled by John Smallman, May 25, 2014 – https://wp.me/p1B8dY-ix.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) The Celestial White Beings: The Freedom of Limitless Self Love, channeled by Natalie Glasson, May 21, 2014 at https://omna.org.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Arcturian Group Message, as channeled by Marilyn Raffaele: May 25, 2014. www.onenessofall.com.
(9) Loc. cit.