From sad to glad: Going up and writing about the journey
One of my missions is to go up with everybody and write about it.
That means that I don’t scoot ahead. Here’s Archangel Michael counselling me on that:
Steve Beckow: Should I be orienting toward ascending early or not? I have this sense that I’m supposed to be here.
Archangel Michael: You’re supposed to be here. …
If you sit with me and you ask of me to come right away, then of course, I will work with you, such is my love for you.
[But] that has not been our plan.
Steve: I don’t want to go against the plan.
AAM: Then stay put, dear heart. (1)
His advice on my curiosity to explore higher states? “Visit; don’t stay.” (2)
I think it’s useful to listen to an archangel mentoring his servant and student. I’m giving you a bit more of a glimpse into my own mission as a servant of Archangel Michael, as are we all. Some details need to be kept confidential for the safety and the success of the mission.
Evidently, in my writing, he wants me to play the role of Everyman.
AAM: There is much to be said for Everyman, and that is part of the role you play. Yes, you are a pillar. You are an anchor. You’re an informant but you’re also playing the role of Everyman – with curiosity, with exploraton, with insight. So our desire is not to separate you from the collective. Let go of the fear. (3)
What does that involve?
AAM: You are focusing on helping others understand their spiritual journey. It is a time of incredible, remarkable, miraculous transformation for the human race. And there is a need for many voices, different slants on the same process, the same journey, for people to come to understand that transformation ― it is not only a process; it is a choice.
And it is the choices that are being made, not the big choices ― of course, that includes the big choice to go forward ― but it is the small, everyday decisions, actions, and making time to understand the impact of what you are doing, and allowing the partnership with us, the partnership with their own guardians ― what they think of as guardian angels or guides ― to allow that to emerge, and to allow what may at moments feel dissociative, may feel confusing, but to keep going.
It is the teaching and the sharing of the assumption of not only personal responsibility ― and that is a word that is often avoided ― and taking action in the here and now of your reality, to go forward. And it is a feeling of, “no matter what.” [i.e., valor.]
You are … sharing with people how your star brothers and sisters react, or receive, some of the harsher emotional fields.
SB: Right.
AAM: You are teaching your readership how to discern what comes through as truth, how to act on truth, how to simply dismiss and let go of what does not resonate as truth. …
You are, through yourself and your writing, through demonstration, showing how to let go of drama ― this cancer, the largest human addiction. (4)
That so completely captures what I try to do – well, I couldn’t stop if I tried.
He also wants me to write on both the inner work and philosophical topics. Here he discusses the interior:
AAM: I beg of you, do not assume that when you write of what you are calling “the inner work,” that this does not have profound effect because the focus of the leadership movement, right now is on the inner work. (6)
Here he is on philosophical topics:
AAM: Do not underestimate the importance of what you call or term philosophical discussion. It is quite sad that so many human beings have turned away, forgotten, are bored with or do not engage in the expanded mental, emotional, and spiritual realm of discussion and thought and consideration of the meaning of their life, of the meaning of how they behave, how they proceed, what the undertakings are at hand, what they have been, what they will be…
Yes, we understand the human cultural, social thirst for news and we are not dismissing that.
But also we ask you, do not dismiss the importance of the consideration that needs, and in many ways must, take place in order for humanity to proceed. If there is proceeding without the shift in consciousness, then there is a great deal of fear – and also catch up – to take place. (7)
He wants me to discuss spiritual truths as well, to the best of my abilities: (7)
AAM: You will also write and speak more about metaphysical, fundamental, universal, and sacred truths in a fuller and more profound way than previously. And people – humans, hybrids, and far beyond – are prepared to receive … as well. Because, in the human element, their hearts are yearning for more. You are going to do more writing in that vein. …
You will write about realms, realities, different groups of people, ideas, beliefs and thought systems. You will write and investigate, think and dream about mysteries that people have need to understand as they shift dimensions and realities. (8)
He knows I don’t wish to be a teacher. I’m a writer. That’s a line I won’t cross.
Everything in my life has led to this kind of writing or equipped me with a useful skill – the pursuit of patterned behavior, the seeking of causality below human behavior, studying the history of the human race, stumbling on a guru, seeking the purpose of life, finding it, studying project management, administering refugee law, learning the truth about 9/11, opening up a discussion group, opening up a blog and ending up here.
There’s more but it needs to be kept confidential. Nonetheless I’m requiring myself not to fall asleep but to live up to all of it.
What I’ve just said could be said of every one of you. I’m just privileged to be able to ask these questions. But then again, to turn Q around, past proves future.
Look at your own history, follow your own hunches, and you’ll end up at the same destination. Angels are here, archangels, and seraphim, intergalactics, faeries, elementals, it’s a real homecoming.
As AAM said to me, we’re the masters that we’ve been waiting for. (9) We have no idea who is here.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.
(2) Ibid., May 6, 2013.
(3) Ibid., Nov. 11, 2015.
(4) Ibid., April 25, 2013.
(5) Ibid., July 1, 2016.
(6) Ibid., June 7, 2015.
(7) While I’ve had varied spiritual experiences, I do not consider myself an enlightened person.
(8) Ibid., April 26, 2011.
(9) AAM: So there will be a period of time when there will be a window, shall we say, that those who have already gone through the door can peek back or reach back, or what we call exhibit, so that they are also helping those who are in preparation for the next wave.
S: Is that what is meant by the return of the masters?
AAM: Yes. Only you always think of the masters as the ascended ones. But, of course they will be. [laughter] . (Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., Oct. 1, 2011.)