by Asara Adams MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIAN-SIRIAN-ARCTURIAN COUNCIL OF LIGHT ~ 11.01.2025 “We are Here NOW. We Love you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path. Beloved One, as you are on your path of Awakening and the Veils are Lifting, you will be able to Truly see and […]
The High Council of Sirius: Full Reptilian Disclosure
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It’s wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for your continued dedication to bringing the Light. We wish to advise that this particular message is for disclosure purposes, and may give information that may be uncomfortable for some. The Light has an […]
The High Council of Sirius: Everything is Speeding Up
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It is a joy to be connecting with you, thank you for this transmission. Reality seems to be accelerating at an unprecedented rate, moving forward with a velocity that many of you are finding overwhelming. It’s as if the very fabric of your […]
High Council of Sirius: Something Much Greater is Happening
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. Thank you for connecting with us. Through our observations of the myriad of current events unfolding around your Earth, we have witnessed a significant increase in curiosity and awareness that extends beyond the conventional limits of human perception. Humans are beginning to […]
The High Council of Sirius: New Timeline – New You
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. We always enjoy communing with you. Thank you for this transmission. Many of you may already be aware that you have entered a New timeline which is a Much faster trajectory towards Humanities Awakening. This Timeline is bringing forth incredible insights into the […]
High Council of Sirius: Transformation Behind The Scenes
by Chellea Wlder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. We enjoy speaking with you. Thank you for this transmission. Many events are occurring behind the scenes on your planet to transform your societal structure into a positively aligned way of being. This transformation involves many deep-rooted shifts within the collective consciousness. However, […]
Where Has the Light Gone?
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. We thank you for this transmission. The barrier separating the realms is growing increasingly transparent, offering many of you a peek into alternate realities. The Astral Realm is in close proximity and can be reached more readily. You are likely aware that this […]
High Council of Sirius: Lightworkers, It is Time
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It’s a Joy to be speaking with you, thank you for this Transmission. In these precious moments, The Earth and Humanity are experiencing very contradicting frequencies. On one side, you are receiving intense frequencies within the higher vibrations of the 4th dimension, […]
The High Council of Sirius: The Last Step
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It is wonderful to speak with you today. In the midst of these powerful energies, you are swiftly progressing through the Ascension process. The influx of Cosmic Waves is accelerating your journey through the 4th dimension, propelling you and the Earth into the […]
High Council of Sirius: No More Delay
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. Thank you, for joining us for this Transmission. Many individuals who have embarked on this journey of awakening are deeply concerned about their fellow Humans. Most of Humanity are still unaware of the transformative process unfolding around them. The urgency of this awakening […]
High Council of Sirius: Nothing is as It Seems
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. Thank you for communing with us today. There are many things happening on the world stage that are not as they appear. The changes occurring are a result of individuals of the Light coming forward to play their part in transforming your world. […]
High Council of Sirius: The Final Stage is the Ultimate Test
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. We are enjoying the continuous communication, and are eager to expand your consciousness with new insights. As you move onward in the Ascension, there are many intricate and profound factors at play that have guided you to this critical moment, unbeknownst to you. […]
The High Council of Sirius: The Dissolving of Negative Timelines and Old Karma
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius, The current influx of heightened energies from Earth marks a significant milestone in the cosmic evolution of Earth and humanity. As these powerful vibrations permeate your Reality, and the veil of illusion is being lifted, The Dissolving of Negative Timelines and Karmic […]
by Thea Grace CHANNELLING FROM SIRIUS Dearest Ones you have all been through so much in the last 2 years or so and you have experienced many personal challenges that have brought you to this moment in time. If you look back to 3 years ago you would not recognize yourselves, for you have […]