by Lee Degani Dearest ones, I am Quan Yin. I come with my dragon, I come with the fire. I come with the fire that is present within you. For the fire that I bring is the fire that you bring and this fire connects and it connects within each one. This is […]
Archangel Michael: Words of Peace
by Lee Degani Lately, I have been hearing talk about “toning down the rhetoric.” Back in the late summer of 2019, my husband decided to go on a “word fast” and announced it to everyone hoping they would follow suit. He absolutely would not say anything negative about another person. It was okay to […]
Archangel Uriel: Removing the Tarnish
by Lee Degani During our June meditation healing circle, AAUriel brought us such a beautiful message and special gift that I keep on going back to it to receive his awesome silver drops! I have been pondering AAUriel’s request to connect to him or any of the Heavenly Beings. We are really always […]
AA Gabrielle: Communicating with Healing
by Lee Degani Beloveds, we, you can communicate with healing. Yes, I come with Joy! I am AAGabrielle, Gabriel, my masculine form is Gabriel. But tonight I come in the feminine, for is not the feminine meant for Joy? The Joy of carrying a baby, of giving the birth. The communication of a mother […]
Lee Degani: The Rainbow’s Message
by Lee Degani I suppose we all have stories of rainbows appearing just when they are needed. It reminds me to never give up hope, to hold fast to my dreams. That we are not alone. There is one time that I will never forget. The woman is in her 30’s now. Back then […]
AA Raphael: Seeds of Healing
by Lee Degani Lee: And coming out of the middle of our circle is AARaphael, angel of healing, angel of green, of the green elixir, angel of also of Joy because when we receive the beautiful healing all of the heavenly beings are filled with Joy. And we are too, we are filled with […]
Shechina: Slowing Down
by Lee Degani I always love the second week of winter break when the children are still off from school. Although I miss my students, I also relish my time of quiet. I sometimes feel like a bear, going within to hibernate! But that time of slowing down gives me a chance to look […]
Circle of Angels: The Gift of Divine Radiance
by Lee Degani “You are in essence harmonizing, singing with the pure essence of the Divine Mother.” The most beautiful circle of angels came during our last meditation healing circle giving insight with harmonizing with divine radiance. I learned later they are the Seraphim. Their message makes me cry! Hope you love it as […]
Lee Degani: Harmonizing to Bring Healing
by Lee Degani Perhaps some of the most amazing gifts we have been given from the spiritual world are the sacred tools to help us heal. And I have certainly seen miracles over the years! But what happens when they just don’t seem to be working the way we want them to? Recently, the […]
Lee Degani: Eyes of Love
by Lee Degani When I first began my third eye blindfold program, I asked Metatron* what the name should be and was given “Infinite Child Institute” with the acronym ICI. I just loved the play on words with the initials ICI “I see I.” When we “see” without our physical eyes, we are […]
Divine Mother: Pay Attention to Your Feelings
by Lee Degani We all have times when something just feels off. Recently, when I was feeling so after a meeting, the Divine Mother brought a beautiful message on how to proceed in such situations. Hope you love it as much as I do! Dearest One, I am the Divine within you, within thee. […]
Archangel Michael Through Lee Degani: The Veil is No More
by Lee Degani Dearest Ones, I am AA Mi-cha-el, Michael, Warrior of Peace, Angel of Blue and Beloved One to you. I do not come just as one, but I come as the many. The unity of all, the consciousness of One. You often think that we are far away. You think of us […]
AA Gabrielle: New Beginnings
by Lee Degani AAGabrielle brought such a bubbly birthday message I am still floating with Joy! Hope you love it as much as I do!! I Am Gabrielle and I work with my brother, my brother of the violet ray. For I too come in to say, “Happy Birthday” and to bring you my […]
Gaia’s Message for Earth Day
by Lee Degani Dearest One, I am Gaia, your mother, your earthly mother. We are created, constructed of the same ingredients, of Love, of Light that is formed into the physical realm. You are of me and I am of you. There are times that you notice that you have breezes flowing through […]
Lee Degani: Joy
by Lee Degani Some years ago when I was going through a period of processing, my guides told me to find the Joy of each moment. It was a really beautiful and yes, Joyful experience! It showed me that Joy is present even when we think it isn’t. Lately I have been noticing various […]