by Sophia Love, March 26, 2025,
It is the One.
Thank you. I would like to discuss a question from a reader. She expressed disappointment that you’d used the words “decades away” in our recent conversation regarding New Earth.
Would you elaborate on that, please? Thank you.
You are in the process of liberating a planet. The implications of that cannot be overstated—a Planet.
The culture of slavery is embedded deep within every facet of life on Earth. Nothing has escaped being impacted by the chains worn here. Nothing.
There have been uprisings, and these are scattered throughout the civilization and in different arenas. They may have impacted life for a specific group of humans and for the better, but the chains remained always.
What you are doing is removing the chains.
You need warriors for this work and indeed you have them – in many cases, as you read these words, you are them.
The chains are deep into your subconscious and are evident in how much of your life is performed.
- They exist in your schools.
- They exist in your monetary system.
- They exist in your foods.
- They exist somewhere in every facet of your day-to-day life.
Again, let us reflect on the fact that there have been codebreakers and disruptors throughout your history. Regardless of what you think about their story – they made their mark and were causative in some way – promoting liberation. They were loners and often sparked isolated revolutions in the arenas where they worked.
They were your forerunners, and the path you take now was set in place by them.
What you do now is not done in isolation or for just a single group or system. You are disrupting the global system of slavery, corruption, and control.
There are no places untouched or left to continue with their blatantly suffocating methods of rulership. They may try, but there is a new atmosphere now, and the people will not permit it. The people will say and are saying “NO”.
Not some of the people. All of the people.
Realize, expect, and accept that you won’t always agree with the changes, or the methods being used to install them. You are One, but you are not identical. Far from it.
What shouts “freedom” to one of you, may be uncomfortable for another one of you.
There are no stipulations for how this must be done, or in what order things are accomplished. It has one underlayment though, regardless of its outward appearance. That would be freedom.
Freedom for all implies safety for all to move and to be. This is not the case for your population.
What is happening now, and it happens to varying degrees in different places all over the planet, is that there is a focus on creating safety and freedom for a specific group that has not been safe.
What this looks like is that some things are being stopped, while others are being promoted and expanded, and encouraged.
It is a challenge to sort out who is saying what, and why they are saying it. There is always a reason.
The voices get louder in all cases though, and eventually motives are seen. You will be best served by keeping an eye out for motives. For they will tell you who and what to support.
All of this change has made humans extremely uncomfortable. None of it is easy.
All of these words imply that the changes made are both gradual and all at once.
The reference to “decades” was a reference to a time when there would be a clear underlayment of love and freedom, and that the individual battles to establish that were complete.
Long before that you will see improvements and live in a world that recognizes you as a sovereign being, not as a slave who must obey.
Long before that you will experience peace and know prosperity.
Long before that you will look around at your family and community and say, “This is good”.
You will know happiness, dear ones. That happiness and satisfaction are not decades away. Your Light guarantees it now and only expands into your world.
All of these things are happening because of you. Each of you, all of you, reclaiming your sovereignty.
Let it be said here that your work in this lifetime has an exponential effect on your soul’s evolution.
You are in for such a treat.
That is all.
Thank you.