by Eko, March 13, 2025,
When protected narratives are challenged, systems of control respond with predictable precision.
It’s not random. It’s systematic.
My recent piece on Israel and American empire wasn’t just a provocative geopolitical story—it was a case study in what happens when hidden patterns are exposed. The reaction it triggered reveals something far more significant than opinions about one illustrated article.
“So disappointed in you. Your latest on Israel was a large pile of anti-Semitic fetor.” “You are an antisemite, a jew hater. Despicable.” “Die!”
While many responses were thoughtful and supportive, these attacks came alongside real consequences:
- Checking account restricted due to “suspicious activity”
- Payment processor investigating “fraud” accusations
- Character assassination from multiple “sides”
[Thank God for @johnrich + Old Glory Bank]
The attacks were predictable. What’s more revealing is the timing.
For months, I’ve warned about the strategic deployment of “blackpilling.”
A coordinated effort to sow doubt, division and demoralization at precisely the moments when positive change seems possible.
The pattern is algorithmic:
- A win for truth occurs
- Immediate setbacks appear to negate it
- Voices emerge to amplify disappointment and distrust
- Division is manufactured between natural allies
- Demoralization spreads
Only seven weeks since @realDonaldTrump took office.
Already there are a growing number of influential entities within the movement planting seeds to jump ship.
And the ride’s only going to get bumpier between now and June.
Those who understand strategic demoralization recognize that blackpillers intensify their efforts during critical windows when momentum could build toward meaningful change.
The system doesn’t just react to challenges—it anticipates them. Strategic demoralization works through multiple coordinated mechanisms:
The Immediate Swarm
Character assassination creates an overwhelming initial response that makes truth-tellers feel isolated.
Material Consequences
Financial pressure through de-platforming adds real-world stakes.
Manufactured Division
Creating artificial conflicts between natural allies prevents unified resistance.
The Blackpill Deployment
Strategic timing of demoralization campaigns during critical windows.
What makes this system effective is its psychological sophistication.
It doesn’t just attack ideas—
it targets the human will to continue pursuing truth.
The cognitive dissonance is by design.
A few folks will now label me “jew-hater” while simultaneously criticizing me for serving @POTUS. Who others claim is “fully owned by Israel.”
This contradiction creates a no-win situation where any position can be attacked.
Most participants don’t even realize they’re part of this architecture.
People respond to programming they don’t recognize.
Not coordinated conspiracies but dormant thought patterns activated by specific triggers—mental antibodies deployed to protect established narratives.
Not everyone who criticized the story was engaging in blackpilling.
Many are sincere good-hearted, God-faring believers, reacting from genuine conviction.
But mixed among them were the true blackpillers—energy harvesters who tell you everything is wrong, trust no one, you’re all in on it—all while doing absolutely nothing to meaningfully challenge the Machine.
When confronted, they offer zero solutions. Just more negative energy.
They’re designed to keep you docile, demotivated, and angry.
Amid the noise, let me be clear:
My piece was about empire. Not religion. Not ethnicity. Empire.
Israeli citizens—whom I explicitly described as “victims of history’s greatest deception”—deserve better than to be pawns in imperial games. Same for Palestinians. And all others enslaved by empire.
Throughout history, the Machine and its emissaries have weaponized religious identities to advance strategic interests.
And the pattern repeats because it works.
Those who reduced my story to “antisemitism” revealed their inability to distinguish between criticizing systems and attacking people.
When in doubt, zoom out.
The attacks on my work aren’t isolated incidents. They’re part of a pattern that repeats whenever protected narratives are challenged.
This has happened to @realDonaldTrump. To @elonmusk. To countless others who challenge the Machine.
And it will happen to you—if you choose to allow it.
The most protected narratives are precisely the ones most in need of scrutiny.
Pattern recognition is liberation.
The Machine doesn’t fear your anger. It fears your clarity.
We can’t build a future in the dark. We can’t reform what we refuse to see.
The Machine exists only because we permit it.
And light, once ignited, only spreads.
♥ Eko